Chapter 1 - A Tragic End

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Hi guys~

I've been thinking about this story for a while, as a matter of fact the idea is even older than that of 'Basket and Stars', the other one was just more.. Attractive to write at that moment. Buuuut~ Now the idea couldn't wait any longer!
Hope you like it! Or... Well... Probably not this first chapter...

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: If I had actually owned Fairy Tail or Bleach, people wouldn't even cry if Ichigo or Natsu died. Honestly, I mean I suck at that. Which is why we start this story with exactly what I suck at~


Lucy quickly jumped back, feeling the wind of the blade swinging down right in front of her blow her hair back. Had she been just a little bit slower about that, she'd have been sliced in half. Before she even had her balance back from the jump, she threw her hand forward, twisting her wrist to make the whip fly out. It flashed forward and soon wrapped around her opponent's thin sword and his arm.

Judging by the pitying look she was rewarded from the eyes which seemed to always be closed and smiling, it was clear he didn't doubt his victory in this battle. Alas, he tilted his wrist up and, with a forceful pull, cut straight through the magical weapon.

Damn it! This guy was leagues above her in terms of fighting-strength and experience. She stood no chance!

Nonetheless, she quickly drew out a pair of golden keys. She looked at her opponent with a grim but determined look. "Open! Gate of the Golden Bull! Gate of the Lion!" She chanted, seeing some confusion in her opponent's expression. "Taurus! Leo!" She almost screamed. She might not be able to beat this guy, but she could at least hold him back till the others arrived.

Immediately as her two spirits appeared, they jumped right into action. Taurus charged straight forward with his axe held above his head. He swung it down as soon as the enemy was within range. The giant axe was soon blocked by a thin blade.

Meanwhile, Loke crept up from the back, his fist already pulsing with magic. When the enemy noticed his approach, it already seemed too late. "Regulus-" Loke began, but was cut off.

"Bakudō Four." The enemy calmly stated, yet with some power in his voice, as he pointed his free fingertips towards the Lion spirit. He didn't turn around to watch the cackling, yellow magic wrap around Loke tightly like vines. Instead, he easily deflected Taurus' axe and angled his blade to cut the spirit's arm off. That was enough to send the Bull back to the Celestial Realm with a pained cry.

Lucy gasped in both surprise and fright. This man took out Taurus so easily, what wouldn't he do to Loke, who was restrained by his strange magic?

She wanted to move forward to stop this man from hurting her friend and spirit - she really did. But she found herself completely frozen in place as he turned around to face her Lion spirit.

"I'm really sorry about this.." He said with a low voice as he readied his sword in both of his hands.

Time seemed to freeze as Loke looked over at her with such a sad, apologetic expression. She could feel something break in her at the thought of Loke getting impaled by that sword. She wouldn't let it happen!

Time snapped back and then sped up impossibly much. She hadn't even realized what had happened, before she was looking into a set of surprised, teal eyes.

She heard a terrified gasp behind her. She didn't think further of it - her mind was working overtime trying to figure out why she was facing her opponent like this. And why he looked so... Sad?

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