Chapter 8 - Sousuke Aizen

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So.. Yeah, of course most of you guessed who the mystery person was. So here he is, in the title and all!

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: So yeah, of course I don't own either Bleach or Fairy Tail, it all belongs to their respective owners. Tite Kubo and Hiro Mashima.


Grimmjow growled deeply. "What the hell is a fucking Shinigami like you doing here?" He asked the person in front of him.

Lucy was also all tensed up, ready for anything that guy might throw at them, and glared at the Shinigami. He was tall, clad in white robes with black trims and had his sword - the zanpakuto - resting at his hip. Though he made no move to grab it, it was clear in his posture and his brown eyes that he too was on guard. His brown hair was pulled back with only a single, long strand hanging freely in his face.

Something was weird about this guy.. Not only was the fact that a Shinigami was in Hueco Mundo in the first place worrisome enough, but the atmosphere about him was strange. It wasn't directly threatening as such, just... Again, worrisome. He felt weird and it wasn't really the good kind. She quite honestly didn't like him.

He smiled lightly at the question, as if he'd seen it coming. "Yes, I suppose that is strange." He agreed just making the two confused and no less on guard. She had a feeling it was on purpose too - this guy's eyes were brimming with intelligence. He looked at the two shortly. "Let me introduce myself. I am Sousuke Aizen, but most people simply refer to me as Aizen. It's a pleasure to meet the both of you." He said and bowed just enough for it to not be an opening to attack.

Grimmjow only got even more suspicious with the guy and how he so easily danced around his question. "I don't care who the fuck you think you are. I want to know what the hell you are doing here and why you think I won't kill you." He snarled at the other guy. Just like her, she had a feeling his instincts were telling him to get rid of this 'Aizen' one way or another.

Aizen just continued to smile as if Grimmjow hadn't just threatened his life. "I am here to offer a proposal which I believe will be beneficial to all of us." He stated with a calmness only found in people who are certain of their success.

She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously as Grimmjow continued to growl. "And what would that be?" She asked. While her gut was telling her nothing good would come from being around this Shinigami, she couldn't help but be curious about this proposal of his.

Aizen only smiled wider. "It is quite simple, really. You see, the Soul Society is thoroughly corrupt." He started off, just making the two of them stare at him in disbelief. What the hell was he even going on about? This would never convince them of whatever he was trying to convince them to do. "That is why I left it all just a short while ago - I couldn't stand being in the presence of so many hypocrites." He said, genuine anger present in him. She still wasn't sure where he was going with this, but she had an idea... "So I think it's about time something is done, don't you?" He then asked in a much more lighthearted tone.

So he wanted to overthrow the Soul Society? She didn't even have to look at Grimmjow to know he found this as ridiculous as she did. "I don't see how this even remotely has anything to do with us." She said questioningly. If he didn't get to the point soon, he'd lose the both of them. And likely his life as well.

The Shinigami just nodded. "Where you two step in is as my allies." He said and continued on before they had the chance to react. "I can't take down Soul Society all by myself of course so I need strong fighters like the two of you. Together, we will rule both Hueco Mundo and Soul Society as we see fit..!" He said, a hungry expression on his face.

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