Chapter 18 - For the ones we Love

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Ah, yes. I have my doubts all of you read the top section here, which is the reason I'll just drop this here; We're approaching the last third of the story as it looks now (got it all planned out, of course~). I hope you all will bear with me throughout this as well - things'll be speeding up from now!

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and review!
Disclaimer: Nope, just borrowing the two stories. So neither are, obviously (?), mine.


Suddenly, she realized the situation she was in. For a long second, her heart and mind completely froze as she looked at the men before her with wide eyes.

With the second passed and gone, she jolted out of her covers and flew to the back wall, desperately pressing her back to it in hopes of escaping.

She could hardly even breathe under the pressure their mere presences exuded - not to mention their reiatsu. Her heart hammered in her chest as her eyes flew from one to the other.

Being faced with the both of them now, she finally realized how idiotic her ambitions and hopes for what she would do to these men were.

Aizen alone had been far out of her league when he killed her - why had she been convinced things would be any different now?

She only very shortly dared to remove her eyes from their amused faces to the door to her right. It was only a moment though, before they returned to the two.

Grimmjow let his hand rest at his hip as he looked at her as though something about this whole situation was absolutely hilarious to him. "You know you won't make that, Kitten." He said, simply watching her with his cocky smirk. The nickname did absolutely nothing to calm her down whatsoever.

She looked at him, then quickly away. He was right. Of course he was. Both of these two could reach her well before she even took the first step towards that door.

Almost involuntarily, her eyes then flickered to the left. An empty bed meant for Rangiku was all she saw.

"Yep, made sure she wasn't around as well." Grimmjow confirmed her suspicions. "She's out on some patrol or something - so too far away to 'save' your ass." He elaborated, a terrifyingly knowing grin on his face.

She could only stare at him with wide eyes. What was she supposed to do now?

She hadn't reached even the slightest hint towards a conclusion when Aizen spoke up again. "That is enough of your games now, Grimmjow. We are not here to have fun - we have business to take care of, so return it to her." He ordered the blue-haired Arrancar.

Said Arrancar grumbled something under his breath before loosening one of the tools at his hip. No, 'weapons' was a more accurate description of them. "Catch this." He said and then threw it at her.

Out of pure reflex, she actually caught it. It seemed to be a strange whip of some sort - lethal to be sure.

No sooner had she caught it before it seemed to burn in her hands. Not with fire, but with a foreign mix of reiatsu, which forced its way under her skin. It wasn't like with Urahara - that just felt strange - this created a path of searing pain wherever it went. And it wasn't going out again.

Her breath and voice were caught in her throat, forcing her to scream out her agony with no sound. She couldn't drop the whip, her body wasn't responding to her at all.

What were they doing to her? What did they want?

Through the pain, she could hear a growl erupting from deep in Grimmjow's throat. "Aizen." He growled, slowly turning to the other guy. "What the hell is this? You promised me this shit wouldn't fucking hurt her!"

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