Chapter 14 - Proposal

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Amazingly enough, I managed my time well again and actually got the chance to proofread it before it went out~

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach and Fairy Tail. I know, surprising, isn't it?


Lucy slowly made her way out the Tres Espada's wing. She needed just a little time to gather her thoughts after the things she'd been told and... Before seeing Grimmjow again.

She had doubted him. Still did. Even after what Harribel had told her. It was just a little difficult not to doubt everything right now.

Because what if Grimmjow was right? What if Aizen was just playing games with her? And what kind of games were they even?

But even more so.. What if it was actually Grimmjow - and not Aizen - who was playing with her? What if, after all this time, he finally had had enough of her? After all he had originally not planned to keep her around for any longer than necessary. That was probably way overdue already.

She sighed deeply and shook her head, making her golden curls bounce all around her. She shouldn't draw any conclusions from the state she was in. In all likelihood, he would also be quite upset right now with what happened.

She just couldn't shake the feeling of being all alone again.

It was unreasonable though, because as things looked, she'd at the very least have some sort of support from Harribel and her girls. Maybe it wasn't much, but it definitely beat being all alone.

Her thoughts returned to Grimmjow again. What would she even say to him when she found him? 'Hey Grim. I honestly don't trust you right now, but I just feel like we have to talk'? Yeah, that'd work out 'great'.

Could it really be true he defended her - even with the lack of arm - back there, though? Because if it was, it proved that either he was playing a really convincing game or he genuinely cared.

She hated to doubt him after all this time and all the shit they'd gone through together. She had trusted him with so many things - her secrets and her life, to name a few - it was hard to have to consider if all of it was fake.

She looked up suddenly when she saw movement from the edge of her peripheral. Had she really reached the infirmary already?

She brushed her surprise off and approached one of the Arrancar in there. "Sorry to disturb you, but have you seen Grimmjow around here?" She asked the other guy.

He looked her from head to toe with a cold gaze, then nodded after an uncomfortably long pause. "Yes. The former Sexta came by to pick up some Hollow earlier. He left with it immediately." He answered her almost monotonously.

She nodded. "Thanks." She said, but he'd already turned his back to her and returned to work. Well. That was sort of rude.

It didn't surprise her Grimmjow didn't stay around though. Rather, she had expected it to be like that. Maybe he was at their wing, picking something up or something?

Luckily, it wasn't all that far away at all. In short time, she was in front of the familiar door leading to the place she'd called her home for a long time now. She knocked on it, feeling it to be entirely wrong she had to do that.

It opened up to reveal a person, who looked both male and female, that she wasn't too sure she'd ever seen before. "What can I do for you?" They asked, clearly not in a great mood.

This had to be Luppi. "I'm really sorry for disturbing you, but I just wanted to hear if Grimmjow's been by here just now?" She asked them.

Luppi shook their head with a light glare of disdain. "No, he has not. You're Lucy - his only living Fracción - I presume?" They asked, an edge to their voice.

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