Chapter 30 - The End of the War

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Chapter 30 - The End of the War

Again, I'm so sorry for the long wait. But, I do hope you enjoy it just as much anyway!
Also, just so you know... I didn't have time to proofread this :3

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: Welp. Not this time around, no, the two I've based this off aren't mine in the slightest.


Lucy watched silently as Aizen's head tilted slightly to the side, life draining from his eyes gradually. With a slight sigh, she pulled the thin blade up and out.

She was having a hard time truly believing that man was actually, really, finally dead. The cocky smirk he had on his lips still seemed so real. Yet, she had made sure he did just now.

She hadn't quite imagined it would be like this though... She'd thought she would have felt relieved or happy - maybe even a little sad or regretful. But she felt nothing. She just felt kind of... Hollow.

"Ya know, I hate ta hafta ruin this moment o' yers, but I figure ya mightn't wanna leave it at that just yet." Gin spoke up behind her.

She turned and looked at him questioningly, watching as he et Rangiku support some of his weight. Something she'd probably had to force him into. That said she really couldn't believe he'd break that moment she had just now, knowing full-well what he was doing.

"Sorry, Kitten, but I'll have to agree with the snake on this." Grimmjow commented from where he was standing with his arms crossed like that. "That bastard's like damn weed - he won't fucking die." He agreed with the white-haired former Shinigami.

She looked at the two alternately, ten sighed and turned her back to them. "You two are fucking unbelievable..." She muttered, fully aware they'd all hear her just fine. She gripped the sword again, putting it to the brown-haired man's throat.

They were right though. Aizen was that kind of person, who would be able to sneak himself out of this sort of predicament somehow. If anyone, he'd be able to survive something like this.

With a clean swipe, his head lolled back lifelessly, a pool of his blood quickly gathering on the ground at her feet. She turned and looked at the two over her shoulder with a raised brow. "Happy now?" She asked them.

"Very." Grimmjow was fast to reply, grinning at her. Gin nodded lightly as well, but said nothing.

She quickly flicked the flecks of blood off the blade, then threw it back to its owner. "I guess we'll let Seireitei take care of the rest of him." She said thoughtfully, stepping off her slain opponent.

Rangiku nodded, glancing towards the now most certainly dead body. "Yeah, the Captain Commander will definitely want visual confirmation of Aizen's death." She agreed, nodding lightly.

Lucy looked back and down at Aizen again. So all of this was finally over, huh?

A snort escaped Grimmjow as he approached her with a strange grin on his face. "Guess this makes you the queen of Hueco, doesn't it?" He asked.

She couldn't help also snorting at that. "Guess it does." How ironic. He'd always been the one wishing for that spot - it was also partly the reason she was even alive at this point - yet here she was, stealing that from right under his nose.

But that was the way of Hueco Mundo; kill the king - the strongest Hollow of them all - and you become the king. Barragan handed his crown to Aizen willing, so now she had killed him... That responsibility was hers.

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