Chapter 11 - Reasoning

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I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and review!
Disclaimer: Sure it isn't a surprise at this point, but I don't own neither Bleach nor Fairy Tail.


The meeting had ended and Grimmjow had already run off to get started on his new task, leaving Lucy in the dust. He was honestly like a little boy sometimes.

But it was fine, because it gave her a chance to finally catch up with Harribel just a little.

"I have to say; I am impressed, Lucy." The other and much taller blonde commented when the smaller one fell into pace with her.

"Impressed?" Lucy repeated, feeling her cheeks heat up a little, despite not being sure what the other Arrancar was talking about just yet.

"Yes." Harribel confirmed, nodding her head. "As soon as you showed up here, things start to change, move and happen." She elaborated, glancing down at the smaller blonde. "I do not know what you tell those three, but I am impressed." She repeated once more.

Lucy smiled and scratched the back of her head, not knowing what else to do with her hands. "Well, thank you. But it's basically just a copy of the Soul Society's, you know..." She trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid.

"That may very well be." Harribel agreed, having obviously also caught onto that. "However you still managed to incorporate it here, found something to do and fitted everyone to their positions so well. You may have copied the system, but you cannot copy the people." She said, not pausing at any point.

The pseudo-Espada couldn't help smiling and feeling a little uncomfortable under the compliments. "Thank you. It's not only me though. But yeah, we've come far." She admitted. She couldn't disagree - they had made some awesome changes already. And more were on the way.

Harribel nodded along, pausing for just a moment. "Did you come up with all of it by yourself?" She then asked.

Lucy shook her head. "Nah. Worked it out with the other three, of course. They know all of you guys much better than I do at this point, so I couldn't do it without them." She reassured the other blonde. Sure, she might have pushed them to get things done, but it wasn't like she could do everything just like that by herself. She was no superwoman.

She followed Harribel down the hall which likely led to her wing. It seemed Harribel had caught on to Lucy's mood and changed the topic. "I am actually a little surprise to see you and Grimmjow here." She announced. "Especially Grimmjow doesn't seem like the kind of person who would thrive in a place like this." She commented, clearly choosing her words as carefully as she could.

Lucy laughed a little and nodded. "That's true, he doesn't." She confirmed. "Honestly, he was won over at the idea of more power. But, well, he still has a problem with orders." She said amusedly. It helped that she was in there making the orders, but it probably still stung his heart every time he was forced to follow one.

Harribel smiled a little. "I don't doubt that." She looked down at Lucy again. "That is him. How about you?" She then asked.

Lucy sighed, not actually sure how to answer her question. "Well. I guess I just followed along." She replied. It was a white lie. She basically did since she hadn't trusted Aizen, but didn't know what else to do than to follow Grimmjow. Harribel didn't need to know all of that though. "What about you? What made you agree to all of this?" she asked, finally able to turn the conversation away from herself.

"It's likely as you have suspected already." She somewhat slowly said. "It is because of the goal they strive for - a united Hueco Mundo and the unison between Hueco Mundo and the Soul Society. There will be no hostility between both places and no need for bloodshed at all. Not even in Hueco Mundo itself." She explained.

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