Chapter 31 - Her Decision

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I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!

Disclaimer: Bleach is Kubo's and Fairy Tail is Mashima's. Now, this mix of things would be mine, then. I suppose. (?)


"So this is place is a part of Soul Society then?" Lucy asked as she looked around at the Spirit King of this world's palace halls while walking down them. With how grand they were they honestly seemed much more like large streets rather than halls - you could easily fit a train or two in each of them.

When Loke had appeared as he had he made it clear that the matter she was asked to attend was an urgent one, so she didn't let the two kings wait. She couldn't really.

However that also meant she'd left for this place before Levy had given her any kind of answer. Well, it seemed the girl had needed some time to think anyway, so it would probably be okay..

"Yes, in a matter of speaking." Her personal guide through this maze of a palace told her. Ichibe Hyousuke was his name.

He was part of the Spirit King's Royal Guard; the leader, in fact. He was very tall and bulky - very much like Jura. He was bald and had a big beard that strutted out in every direction. He wore a big grin and a just as big, red, beaded necklace at all times, from what she could see. His uniform was pretty similar to that of the Shinigami Captains.

The guy quickly continued his explanation. "However, it is completely inaccessible to all but the few, who have been given permission to set foot in here." He told her almost reverently - he clearly liked his job. "This is why we could not let you be accompanied by your friend, Grimmjow, I'm afraid." He said apologetically.

She shook her head at that with a smile. "It's probably for the best he's not here - he'd just mess something up or start a fight with someone." She said amusedly. That guy just couldn't help himself if he got the chance.

Loke, who was also still with her, shook his head dramatically and brought his hands to his face in despair. "Oh, what a sin to let my poor princess associate with such a ruffian. I have failed my duty as your protector!" He cried out.

She rolled her eyes at his familiar and barely missed antics. "He's no different than Natsu in that regard, you know." She reminded him. In some ways, the two were kind of similar. Seemed that was just her type.

The Lion Spirit dropped the act and gave her a soft smile instead. With a light shrug, he basically told her that he knew that already.

Leaving that be, she turned to the Royal Guard. "Say, Ichibe..." She started out, getting his attention. "Do you know why the two Spirit Kings summoned me...?" She asked him, a little confused about the reason behind their sudden summoning. "Did I do something wrong?" She continued to ask.

The guy looked almost surprised at her worries. "Hardly. You have done better that anyone could expect from you in your given situation." He told her reassuringly before looking ahead at the path before them. "No, rather I imagine it will have something to do with the matter of your complicated and intricate death. You have nothing to worry about." He said, giving her one of his cheery grins.

She smiled back at him faintly, then turned away again. "I sure hope you're right about that..." She said. With everything she' been through this very day, she wasn't sure she was ready for any new problems yet. She just wanted a break, honestly. She didn't wat any more shit she had to deal with.

She sighed, then followed Ichibe down another long corridor, which seemed even bigger than the previous one. At the end of it was a gigantic gate, decorated beautifully with golden swirls on the deep, purple base. Behind it, she could feel the two big presences she figured had to be the two kings in question.

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