Chapter 5 - Memories

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Thanks for the replies to my question last week - I'll keep the chapters as long as they are currently, as you asked for. Hope you enjoy!

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: Sorry to disappoint, but no, I am not the owner of either Bleach nor Fairy Tail.


Getting used to life in this world was far more difficult than Lucy had initially expected it to be. First part of the struggle was this new body of hers. Her ease with moving the first day must have been beginner's luck or simply her instincts keeping her alive, because recently it had felt all wrong. She'd hardly even been able to lift her tail off the ground - it just felt that foreign to her. Literally felt like she'd gotten a whole new limb she hadn't had before. Which... Was basically what it was.

And it was also clear within a very short amount of time of her getting used to it again that it Grimmjow hated his current predicament. But she had somehow survived and now a whole week had passed since her arrival here. And she was still struggling with her tail sometimes.

She really missed Fairy Tail though and her old life back in Magnolia. Yes, there were a lot of grand battles and some life-threatening missions, but that life was still calm in comparison to the constant intensity and fear for her life that she felt here. Always on the move, always on guard. Never knowing if you'd suddenly be attacked or the very real possibility of dying in a battle against another Hollow. And that was not even mentioning getting used to kill. Even if it was for the sake of surviving.

She just couldn't get used to that. To the thought of taking someone else's life. It tore at her heart every time she or even Grimmjow did it - though he quite clearly had no problem with it. But she just... Couldn't get used to it, no matter how many times she was forced to.

But she did it nonetheless. She hated it, but she had to. Even if she tried not to, she knew Grimmjow would either force her to anyway or just straight up kill her. And her own hunger for it would probably drive her to do it as well if she got seriously deprived.

Eating the victims afterwards was even more difficult. She was directly eating a dead body...! But at the same time.. It just tasted so good she couldn't stop herself once she got started. It was the best she had ever tasted and the boost she got afterwards was incredibly addictive.

And Grimmjow constantly teasing her about it didn't help at all. Though.. Once in a while it was what made her deal the last blow or take the first bite. His anger the first day also kept her going.

Since then, he hadn't had a similar outburst. He'd stated how irritating her hesitation to kill and eat was many times - not to mention her slow rate at getting used to her feline form. A ton of times, actually. Every day, really. Yet, he'd done nothing more than that.

Generally, she'd found he was all right companionship, compared to what it probably could have been. He had a strong hunger for power and would love nothing more than to hunt and fight all day if he could. It seemed to be his favorite pass-time. It was especially clear when he was in the middle of it - he sort of just lit up. And laughed maniacally throughout sometimes too.

Unfortunately, all of that was also followed up by a certain degree of bloodlust and sadistic tendencies towards his prey - but that had been exactly what had saved her time and time again.

Well, it wasn't so strange he loved to do this, he was incredibly good at it. And he knew he was. And was very proud of it too. Often also quite rude about it. But then again, if you can't brag about something you're good at, then what could you brag about? She was sure he'd agree with her.

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