Chapter 17 - The Capabilities of Magic

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I didn't even realize it, and suddenly we're already at 1k readers and just above 100 votes! My lord, guys. Thanks!

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: I don't own neither Bleach nor Fairy Tail. Unfortunately.


Lucy wiped the sweat off her brow with the back of her hand, breathing out. Nonetheless, she focused both her magic and whatever reiatsu she had on healing the injured arm before her.

While she wasn't quick at it - most especially because she truly only had a tiny amount of reiatsu - but she was already doing much better than when she had begun a few days ago. It still required more or less her undivided concentration though.

But she didn't mind that the least. All of this was already much more than she could have ever asked for. At Earthland, it would have taken her entire life - likely even more than that, if she was to learn healing. The second magic was always many, many times harder than the first and would probably never be anything like the first in power.

It would still be nice if she could somehow get some more reiatsu to work with though. Rangiku had said it was possible. If she continued practicing and using it - in other words, training with it - then she would get more of it.

For a moment, her memories flashed back to the strange dreams she'd had. In those, she'd had much more reiatsu, but... It wasn't like the reiatsu she had now.

She was still not sure what all that was, why she even saw it or if it was even real in the first place. It was supposed to take place in the Hollows' world, Hueco Mundo, but it was hard to believe it to be true. The place she'd seen in those dreams wasn't quite as cold-hearted as she had been told Hueco Mundo to be. The further she got in those dreams, the less likely it just seemed.

At the same time though, she knew the person she'd seen - Grimmjow - was real. He was one of Aizen's Espada. And he'd attacked this place just a pair of days before her arrival.

Knowing he was real only made this all the more strange. But... Finding out also got her kind of excited. To see if the one in her dreams was the same as the real one. Strangely, she was kind of looking forward to meeting him herself and make the comparison.

But. She shouldn't really be feeling this way about him, should she? He was an incredibly dangerous person - he could easily face both Ichigo and Hitsugaya, who were their strongest two at the moment, without any problems. Why, he might even win. She should be afraid of him.

"You know, Lucy, if you want a break, just says so." She heard Rangiku's voice call out to her, quickly breaking her out of the daze she'd been caught up in. She was looking at Lucy almost worriedly.

The blonde mage shook her head gently, both brushing her own thoughts and Rangiku's worry off. "Sorry, I was just a little distracted for a moment. I'm focusing now." She promised her 'teacher'. She frowned, bringing her attention back to the arm she'd been supposed to heal, only to find there was nothing to heal.

Rangiku giggled - probably at the expression the blonde was wearing, then retracted her arm. "Yeah, you need a break for sure." She agreed with herself, then got up from the ground she'd been sitting on and brushed herself off.

Lucy sighed, trying to force down the embarrassment she felt at not really being present. At least Rangiku probably just thought she was thinking of her guild and not the enemy.

Luckily, though it was about something else, she wasn't the only one who worried and got distracted. After all, after three consecutive appearances of Aizen's army, everything had been silent from him.

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