Chapter 20 - Deceptions Unraveled

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So, as with last chapter (which I didn't mention for some reason) these two have both landed on the Sundays that, for me at least, were Christmas eve and New Year's eve, so that's why I send the chapters out quite a few hours earlier than usual. So yup. 

And, of course, happy New Year to you all! Let's hope 2018'll be even better than 2017!

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach and Fairy Tail. But maybe in this new year...


Lucy froze as her gaze almost robotically moved to Aizen. She knew he knew, but she had no idea what he'd do to her now.

Though he was facing the other way, she could hear a smirk in his smug voice. "It would seem you have not been entirely truthful with us. Isn't that right?" He asked as he looked back at her over his shoulder.

She didn't answer him. She gritted her teeth and clenched the fists at her side. Shit, this wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

He simply turned all the way around to face her when he realized she wouldn't be answering him. "As a matter of fact, we learned two things and both are equally impressive." He said, his arms locked comfortably behind his back as he looked at her intensely. "First that you seem to be from another world entirely and second, from this, that you have retained your memories from being alive." He revealed, looking really smug about it all.

She glared at him and immediately tensed up in preparation for whatever was going to happen. Because she couldn't possibly get out of this without punishment of some sort.

Her hostility drove him to continue, of course. "That and then you proved it just yesterday when you used that technique, which was most definitely not reiatsu-made." He added.

She knew back when she used it, that these guys already knew about it all and that was the only reason she actually dared it in the first place. "What do you want from me?" She asked them, her gaze flying from one to the other to the third and back again.

Tosen was surprisingly the one to speak up, revealing that they had been speaking about this since before she came in here. "There is no need for you to worry. Just as with the human girl, you are worth more to us alive than you are dead." He said directly.

She looked at him incredulously. Was that actually supposed to reassure her or something? It honestly felt much more like a threat than it comforted her at all.

Aizen also quickly stepped in, of course. "With that, we mean your cooperation." He clarified. "If you are honest with us from now on and tell everything you know, in turn, I promise no harm will come to you or to Grimmjow by any of our hands. Or anyone currently within Hueco. Almost no matter what you do." He promised her.

She crossed her arms, but didn't relax the slightest. She didn't trust Aizen even a little bit. She knew him a little too well now to simply take his word for it. There was a loophole somewhere in this.

But... At the same time, it would give them a lot of leeway. Even if there was a loophole, Aizen would still hold true to his word far along the road. If not, his cover would blow immediately and, well, he just wasn't that stupid.

She knew it might be a trap, but not agreeing to it right here and now would assure the death of the both of them.

She narrowed her eyes at them. "I repeat. What do you want from me?" She asked them.

Aizen smiled, seeing that she actually agreed with his proposition. "That is wonderful, Lucy. I am glad we have your cooperation in this." He said with somewhat of a smile. It only made her even more uncomfortable. "All I want from you right now is for you to tell us about your world." He said, then gestured for her to sit in one of the chairs.

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