Chapter 32 - A Proper Goodbye

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Chapter 32 - A Proper Goodbye

So, guys, let's have a look at what Lucy's ended up choosing...!
Though I could've, I decided not to make any April's fools out of this chapter. It doesn't really invite for it, per se. And it is the second last one. Instead, you got it a few hours late and unproofed! How's that for April's fools XD

I apologize any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: I really hope it doesn't come as a surprise to any of you when I say that I don't own either Bleach or Fairy Tail at this point.


"Uhm... Mister Grimmjow...?" A teeny, tiny voice stammered right behind the Espada - if he even could be called that any longer.

He turned around to see it was the little, pigtailed kid who'd spoken. The only female one of those Dragon Slayers or whatever they called themselves.

Crossing his arms, he waited silently for the squirt to continue whatever she was going to say.

She began fidgeting with her fingers, averting her gaze from his before even attempting to say anything "Um... Do you... Do you think Lucy will be all right...?" She finally asked him slowly.

These people. Never stopped their incessant worrying, did they?

"There's nothing to worry about. She'll be fine." He promised the kid, turning away from her in a blatant sign of the conversation being over. No matter what those two did or said, his little kitten would be just fine. She had to be.

"Yeah." The human carrot chimed in. "You guys saw what she just did. Whatever those guys throw at her, she'll handle it." He elaborated, looking a little confused. Who wouldn't be when she'd just done the shit she had in front of them and these guys continued to worry about her like this?

"Y-yeah, but..." The little kid trailed off, taking a short moment to compose herself again. "B-but they are the Spirit Kings...!" She muttered.

Even Gin couldn't listen silently to this any longer. "They're only talkin' ta her in there. At most, they'll say somethin' she won't like." He joined in from the sidelines, some of his strength returned to him after the human girl had been by to work her magic on him.

Finally, the girl conceded with a little nod and pulled back, hopefully ashamed of the disrespect she'd showed the blonde right in front of them all.

Damn if his Kitten didn't go making allies left and right though. Since when had she gotten even that snake's vote of confidence?

And what the hell was taking them all so fucking long?

The human girl seemed to have the same thoughts. "I wonder what they're talking about. It must be very important if it takes this long." She said, muttering the last part to herself.

The Shinigami woman crossed her arms under her chest, her lips drawn into a thin line. "I think I've gotten a pretty good idea of what it's all about." She stated clearly intent on not saying anything else.

With the Spirit Kings of both worlds involved like this, you'd have to be stupid not to have at least an idea of what the hell they were talking about.

Either way, they didn't have to wait long for their questions to be answered, as the Arrancar herself popped out of a Garganta right then and there.

Her face was contorted into a completely blank mask - it revealed absolutely nothing about what had happened. Yet, at the same time, it actually revealed a whole damn lot.

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