Chapter 6 - Two to Seven

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For those of you commenting about wanting Lucy to get stronger and etc., there's a lil' message for you at the bottom.

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: M'kay. 'Surprise'. I don't own anything from Bleach and Fairy Tail. Not as of yet, anyway...


After having found out that Lucy could use her magic and that she could combine it with her reiatsu, things had progressed much more smoothly.

"Now!" Grimmjow yelled from above the Hollow he had pinned on the ground underneath him.

She breathed in. "Regulus' Cero!" She chanted as a magic-enhanced, golden-orange Cero shot out at their common enemy. She nailed it right in the back of its head and then fought to suppress the shudder which crawled up her spine.

She was not used to doing this at all, but as Grim had told her, she couldn't draw suspicion to herself. Who knew who was watching?

"Good job, Kitten. You got him." He told her amusedly. "You need to work on the shivering though." He almost laughed. Yeah, that whole thing was still absolutely hilarious to him.

She sighed. "Yeah, I know." She said as she approached him and... Their prey.

"Hurry and eat, we're not done for the day." He told her and made a point of tearing a chunk of the Hollow off and chewing it loudly.

She joined in as well, albeit not as eagerly as he did. For a while, they'd agreed to kill and eat a minimum of three Hollows a day - all around Grimmjow's level of strength. He wanted some challenge during hunts, she needed to grow as strong as possible as fast as possible and she was finally at a place where she could survive fights like those. A win-win situation, in his eyes.

He only dared this because he knew she was no stranger to battles - most especially those in which she didn't have the strength-advantage. Though he didn't want to admit it himself, of course.

Since having revealed that not only did she still have her memories, but that she also came from an entirely different world, any of the holes in their schedules had been filled with her telling tales of the things she experience in her life and generally about Earthland. For example, when they were walking out in the middle of nothing or in what they deemed the evenings in this place of endless nights. Once in a while, Grimmjow would also tell her a little about Earth - but it was limited what he knew now his memories had disappeared.

Thinking about it... A person without memories at all, what would they have to fight for? She realized he was a little power-hungry and that that was what had him hunting, fighting and eating. But why? Why was he power-hungry? What was his end goal?

"Oi, calm down, Kitten." Her current subject of interest called out, catching her attention. "I know this guy is damn delicious, but keep to your own fucking part, all right?" He told her grumpily. If she didn't chances were she'd not have to eat and kill any more Hollows.

His comment surprised her though. As she looked down, she found that she'd eaten her own half of the pretty big Hollow and was moving towards his half of it. She'd eaten faster than he had...

She quickly pulled back and turned around. "Oh, sorry about that." She muttered as she made sure to clean herself up entirely so that this - delicious - Hollow was nowhere to be seen before turning around again.

She could feel how he was shaking his head at her. "Glad to see you giving in for a change. There's literally no reason to fight it." He said honestly and then dug down again.

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