Chapter 7 - Encounters

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A fun little game for you guys. In this chapter I've hidden a quote from one of Bleach's characters, which I personally found awesome when I heard it and it's also from the Arrancar arc of it. Can you find it and name who says this particular thing?

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: Nope. Unfortunately-done-with-their-mangas #1 and #2 own the characters presented in this story...! - If I did, well.. You bet'cha we'd have cliffhangers and pairings all over the place then :3 (Not sure that'd be a good thing either)


Lucy drowsily blinked as she woke up from her slumber. Taking a moment to actually wake up and orient herself again, she found out why she'd woken up. Right next to her, Grimmjow had gotten extremely tense and had gotten up to scout around.

It was in situations such as these where sleeping right next to each other came in handy. When there was a possibility of an incoming threat or anything like that, it was easy to wake the other one up. Even more so, since the both of them were light sleepers, just him tensing up like that and getting up from lying down was enough to wake her.

She resisted the urge to yawn and gently shook her head, shaking the sleepiness off of her. "What's up, Grim?" She asked him lowly as she got up in a sitting position as well.

Not even looking at her, Grim kept staring ahead a something she couldn't see. She could faintly feel his pesquisa being alive. "He's not far away." Was all he cryptically said, a low growl erupting from the back of his throat.

She sighed when the guy got up and began moving the direction of whatever he was feeling. More like, whoever. And why was it he didn't feel like telling her anything about it?

Quite annoyed, she got up and followed him. Closing her eyes for a moment, she sent her pesquisa out to find whatever it was he was so fixated on. Her eyes shot wide open when she felt the incredibly sinister and powerful reiatsu ahead of them. A dark mood fell over her. So it was finally time, eh?

"There he is, straight ahead!" Grimmjow growled, speeding up aggressively, making it a little difficult for her to keep up. She wasn't quite as eager as he was after all. "Hurry up! Before that dick tries to run away!" He told her somewhat angrily.

She nodded without a word and continued fighting to keep up with his current speed. She should save up as much energy as she could, this fight would by no means be an easy one.

As she had expected him to, he also soon told her the plan of attack. "You rush him right from the beginning, then I'll get the fucker when he's distracted. I won't take him down, but it will hurt him. From there, improvise." He yelled at her through the passing wind. She could just barely hear him, but it was enough.

Yes, she could do this. It wasn't like this was the first battle they'd have to improvise themselves through. This was no different from all the other times.

Even if it was Ulquiorra.

And she had no doubt that it was. He was the only one who'd have Grimmjow acting quite like this. Especially since he'd gotten himself convinced that to become a Vasto Lorde, one had to kill and eat a Vasto Lorde. Besides, the reiatsu she had felt resembled the one she'd felt her first day here a lot. This strong a reiatsu could only belong to a Vasto Lorde.

As of yet, it didn't seem like Ulquiorra was trying to run away, though she was sure he had noticed them coming from a mile away. From what Grimmjow had told her, he often wanted to test him before attempting to get away. So that was probably what he was doing now as well. Grimmjow probably knew this too, he wasn't slowing down either way. He was probably waiting for them..

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