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"We're here today because you said that you couldn't trust her anymore? Yeah, I said not looking at Nia. Why is that? I feel like I don't know her, she isn't the girl I married? How does that make you feel when he says that Nia? Like he doesn't truly know me. I am not that same introverted girl he met in high school. It also feels like he doesn't understand that what happened wasn't completely my fault either. He played major role in it as well.

What exactly happened?"

How did Nia and I end up in marriage counseling on the verge of a divorce? I don't even know. Don't get me wrong I am not delusional I know marriage ain't all peaches and cream and shit, but I thought my marriage would be different. In fact, I prided myself on our marriage being different. I thought since we'd been through all the bullshit early on that'd we'd be golden. We got our kids and our family, I wasn't expecting none of the bull shit that popped up on us.

I guess my aunts were right when they said that marriage is like going through an IRS audit. When they told me that I didn't get what the hell they were saying. What the hell does the IRS have to do with marriage? But now I see exactly what they mean. Marriage will expose every single skeleton and indiscretion you've ever had in life. It won't just expose it, it will make you rethink and question every decision you've ever made, every thought you've ever had, when you've done that it will make you question if you really love that person as much as you think you do.

"She...before you answer that Charli, I want to know do you love her? Do I love her? Yes, do you? With every breathe in my body!"

With every breath in his body? I sat there looking at Charli tell this counselor that he loved me, yet when I made one small mistake he flipped the hell out on me. Okay maybe saying a "small mistake" is misleading. It was a huge mistake and I admit that. I owned up to my shit, but he treated me like I was just some random bitch on the street that he just met. And not his wife of 8 years, mother of his children, and his best friend. See he plays the good guy role all too well, he has everyone fooled, but no one knows what I go through when those doors shut at our house. No, he doesn't beat me so don't even formulate that thought, but he can be verbally abusive to me when he's stressed which as of lately is all he ever is. And in all honestly, I sometimes question if he's where he says he is all the time. He thinks I don't I know, cause I work 2 jobs, yes I said 2 jobs that I don't know his whereabouts but I do and I don't know what a Non profit community program, producer is doing at Magic City three times a week, cause he damn sure ain't counseling nobody there.

"Nia! Yes! How does what he said make you feel? I know he loves me, but he doesn't trust me and how can we have a marriage with out trust? Do you love him? Of course, I love him, I've loved him since I was 18 but love can't fix everything. Why can't it? Huh! Why can't love fix, our marriage, he said? You don't mean that, you've said before and yet again you throw the shit in my face. I told you was sorry and I told you that I'd do what ever you wanted me to do to prove to you that I was true, yet you filed for divorce instead of trying to work it out. So, you answer the question Charli can love save our marriage?"

Can it be saved? I don't know, will I work to save it? I don't know that either, I do know that I love her, and I always will no matter how much shit we go through. I want you to read this the counselor said handing me the piece of paper. What is it? Just read the highlighted portion. I took the paper and looked at, before putting my head down. How did you get this? I have my ways just read it she said pointing to the paper.

"I truly believe that god made you for me! You are my rib; my help mate my lifeline. You are all that I need in this lifetime and the next". I said closing the paper that held my wedding vows.

So, how do we fix your marriage, because it's obvious that the two of you aren't finished with each other. I mean two people who are on the verge of divorce don't sit that close to each other she said noticing how close we were. I want to fix it, I just feel like he takes advantage of the fact that I am there. There what does mean? There for anything and everything he does, the kids do, his aunts, my parents, I have a lot on me and I just thought that he of all people would understand and help me shoulder the burden. Damn I thought to myself, my wife was in my position too, everyone depending on her to keep shit together and I am not there to help her. I looked at Nia and she looked back at me with that look she always gave me when we are on the same page. I put my hand out and she slipped her hand in mine intertwining our fingers. I kissed the back of her hand. We deal with the bull shit I said. Exactly!

Doc where do we start?

Let's start from the beginning and see where it went wrong.

~~~~~~~~~~SEAL IV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SEAL IV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SEAL IV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Lookie lookie hear book 4 has finally arrived! I know before yall say "bitch it's been a year already" I know I just have so many ideas and not enough time to write them out. But I promised yall more books in the SEAL series and I have to deliver on that promise. 

So here is a little snippet of what's to come with Charli and Nia! There story is...well lets just say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Both trees at that. Some things will happen that you won't expect and in the end we'll see whether or not their marriage will survive the long haul. 

I hope yall are ready for this bumpy ride! 


S.E.A.L IV: All I NeedWhere stories live. Discover now