Chapter 43

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Slow! Slow! My mom said helping me to sit up in the bed. Nia what...I don't want to talk about it I said cutting her off before she could even start in on me. You're gonna have to tell me sooner or later! Mom I don't want to talk about it I just wanna get the hell out of this hospital and back home with my kids. Well the doctor will be back in a minute they went to look the X-rays of your face. I wish they'd hurry up I don't want anyone seeing me here. Were you attacked or something? I just don't understand how this happened to you?

It wasn't for her to understand, and I sure as hell wasn't going to tell her that my husband beat the shit out of me. Or that I'd provoked him to do it either. I never thought in a million years that he'd actually hit me, much less hit me the way he did last night. One minute he was fighting me off and the next he's throwing hands like I was some nigga off the street. I tried fight back until he hit me in the face. He hit me in the face, the stomach, and my back. I feel like I got hit by a car.

Mrs. Anderson how you feeling the doctor said coming in the room. Mhmp is that rhetorical question? That bad huh! I fill like I was hit by a car. You're X-rays are back nothing is broken but. But! Yes, you do have a hair fracture in your rib on the right side. The doesn't heal does it I said looking at the doctor. It will, but it will cause you a little pain for a while and you can't lift anything for a few weeks. Not even my baby? She weighs over 5 pounds? 19! Yeah definitely can't lift her right now. I let out a breath, before speaking again, when can I go home? We're working on your release papers right now however the hospital's case worker wants to speak with you before you are discharged. Why! In cases of domestic abuse, it's the hospitals policy to have the case worker come in and meet with the victim. It wasn't domestic abuse. Then what was it, Nia because you over here looking a damn ragged Anne with bruises and shit all over your face and arms. Mama! None the less it's hospital policy, the case worker will be in a few minutes. Fine I said rolling my eyes as I looked at my ring. The last thing I need is for this shit to come out. I can see the headlines now "Producer beats his wife" or "Man get 15 years for domestic abuse", this would bring down the entire family if it got out. I wasn't going to be the down fall of this family.

The case worker finally made her way into the room after 45 minutes of waiting. And of course, she was trying to get me to tell her what happened. But I didn't in fact until I talk to Charli I ain't saying shit to no one about what went down. It ain't no one's business but ours and ours alone. I was finally discharged at 9:30 and all I wanted to do is go home and make sure my kids were okay cause I ain't make it home and I left them with Ryleigh. The drive home consisted of my mom nagging me about what happened and me just staring out the window cause I didn't want to snap on her. Mama let it go I said as we pulled up to the house. No, I am not going to let it go and where was Charli at when you were attacked anyway? Mama stop please I am not in the mood I just want to go in here and make sure my kids are okay. This is ain't you Nia, this isn't how I raised how you! Let someone beat on you like this. Thank you for the ride mama, I'll call you later I said getting out the car. Nia wait, look I am sorry I just don't understand how you got attacked like this. I am fine mama I'll call you later I said leaning over and kissing her cheek. I love you Nia! Love you to mama I said getting out the car to go in the house.

Nia! Hey Ry! What the hell happened to your face? Long story where the kids? School, I took them already. Charleigh? Right here watching cartoons while I do my school work. Ok I said slowly taking a seat. For real Nia what happened were you attacked. Something like that, can you stay and help me with the kids? Yeah anything you need I just need to let my parents know where I am at. Thank you I said giving her small smile. Hey mama's baby give me besitos I said to Charleigh. She looked away from the tv at me and gave me a frown and then took her little hand and touched my face. It's not as bad as it looks baby, I said kissing her little cheeks. God, she looked so much like her father it was crazy. She puckered her lips and gave me kisses. Aww you kiss mommies boo boo. Thank you baby I said her kisses forehead before I hear Ry again here sit she said helping me sit down. I called mom and told her that you needed me. You didn't tell her how I look right? No, I didn't. Good don't tell anyone, in fact if anyone asks you, don't tell them anything.

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