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Monica was used to people using the restaurant she worked Sunday night shifts at as a place for celebrations, in the fifteen years she had worked at Carluccio's she'd seen her fair share of birthday celebrations, weddings and even once an entire f...

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Monica was used to people using the restaurant she worked Sunday night shifts at as a place for celebrations, in the fifteen years she had worked at Carluccio's she'd seen her fair share of birthday celebrations, weddings and even once an entire funeral crowd gathered for refreshments.

But engagements were quite rare, there'd only been three in her time, she felt a strong feeling of anticipation as she walked into the almost empty restaurant, the young man who had called up had been incredibly polite and seemingly incredibly rich, not just anyone could have half of a busy dining area cleared for the purpose of an engagement.

Young love, Monica felt wistful at the very thought, she hadn't had a proper engagement or even a wedding, just a hasty signing of papers and a quiet birth in an out of town hospital, she and her husband Patrick tended to avoid each other these days, but the couple she was observing looked blissfully unaware of anything except each other.

She had found her eyes widening when the young man, Andrew as he had introduced himself entered the restaurant, he looked like he had been carved out of stone, angular and so very handsome in an extremely conventional way, his smile too had lit up the entire room, dimming the candles and forcing Monica to remind herself that she was twenty years his senior.

These good looks were only amplified by the look on his face as he stared across the table at the girl facing him who somehow had one of those faces you couldn't help thinking you had seen before, maybe she looked like someone Monica had once known, she didn't have much friends now.

All the staff had been instructed to keep their distance, the lights were dimmed and the scene was set, she watched as Andrew slowly climbed off his seat and pulled out a box, his girlfriend's face was a mixture of shock and could that be... horror?

"Florence Clarke" he said in a wavery voice that everyone seemed to have stopped still to hear.

"Will you marry me?"

"Will you marry me?"

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Dawning (Dysmorphia Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now