On This Day

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"Um, would it be a bit rude of me to ask what the hell your doing here Cole, like I appreciate what you did back there don't get me wrong but I thought this event was invite only"

Cole looked incredulous.

"Florence I literally just saved you from total humiliation and your confronting me like I'm so kind of bad guy, really?"

"I had it under control, I just saw someone from school that I used to know and got all distracted, you don't need to treat me like some immature child Cole who needs to be saved"

"Unbelievable" he replied shaking his head emphatically.

"Your actually unbelievable I didn't expect an elaborate declaration of thanks but I didn't expect you to be so damn rude Florence, I seem to be the only one here who cares where exactly is your fiancee?"

"This has absolutely nothing to do with Andrew..."

Florence trailed off as she realised that the crowd who had been quietly queuing were now observing the two of them with interest, she could see Natalie's widening eyes as she surveyed them, this wasn't the time or the place to have this argument, she didn't even know why they were having an argument, she should be thankful.

But she didn't want to be, she hadn't spoken to Cole in three years and in the ten minutes where he'd re entered her life he'd already made her feel small and confused, she'd rather not be having this conversation especially with people waiting for her to sign there books.

"I don't want to do this right now" she muttered.

"I'll catch you later"

Cole wasn't looking at her.

"No, I don't think you will"

Natalie had reached them now.

"Florence" she said in a too cheerful voice "Honey your fans await!"

And with her vice grip she led Florence to the signing table leaving Cole behind.

She signed books, made small talk, smiled, laughed and even got into discussions about the origins of her stories and whether there would be another book, but all the while she was evaluating her behaviour and wondering why she'd had such an adverse reaction to someone helping her, it had been pathetic really.

"Florence whatever went down before I really don't want to know, your personal life is just that, personal but we have  a state by state tour running now, I can't afford for you to have relapses like that, if your not up to continuing I can always cancel this week's commitments, I may be your agent but I'm also your friend"

"No please don't"

She had kept an eye out for Lauren the entire time but her former friend hadn't appeared, cancelling this weeks commitments would mean letting people down who had specially bought tickets to see her, there would be no more distractions on her tour, she would ensure that.

"Nat it's fine, I was just thrown a bit off guard being here, and thank you I know that I stress you out, but your a star"

Natalie gave her a one armed hug.

"I have a taxi waiting out front for you, you did a great job today Flo, the light in those kid's eyes when you talked to them was really something special to see"

Dawning (Dysmorphia Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now