Truths Part 1

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Two Years Earlier:

Florence didn't exactly know how she was meant to deal with the fact that someone was interested in her, and not for her fame which most people at Colchester except the eagle-eyed ones didn't know, not because they thought she was damaged or needed protecting, Andrew Tate actually truly liked her for who she was.

They'd been friends for a while, she was drawn to him in the inexplicable way a moth is drawn to a flame, when contact at home gradually died out, when conversations with Cooper turned stale he'd always be there in the background and she'd been happy to just be friends, friends was a good words that kept you safe and left no room for broken hearts.

She still counted the days in her mental calendar since she'd last spoken to Cole, two hundred and sixty-four read the calendar today, it was her way of punishing herself, things would never be the same back in Oakwood so each day she reminded herself of this reason, her decision to leave.

Life here had turned her world upside down, the constant people around her, checking up on her wanting to know when her free periods were was a strange fact, of the six girls who she shared her corridor with she'd got to know two very well, Lucy and Amanda, other than them and Andrew there weren't many people she could confide in, but Florence had never been one to have a whole group of people vying for her attention, she preferred quality over quantity when it came to friends.

People loved to betray other people.

Recently, she'd caught Andrew staring at her strangely, like she mystified him. And he'd made no secret of the fact that if it wasn't for her complicated past he would have asked her out already.

But he was respectful in that way, happy to keep an amicable friendship until she was ready, leaving Phillipson on that gloomy day Florence had never thought another relationship would be in store for her but suddenly she wanted to do something brave, something unexpected.

And it wasn't even just that, she genuinely liked Andrew and he didn't seem the type to break hearts and leave destruction in his wake, deep down she knew that he reminded her of Chase, they had the same gentle spirit.

It was nearing the end of the academic year and spirits were running high as Florence navigated her way through halls filled with people drunk off their heads, a few tried to reach out to her but she swatted them away, she'd programmed a single order into her brain, find Andrew tell him how you feel and remember that you have permission to love again.

He was where she knew he would be, in the library how quintessentially Andrew to be studying at a time where everyone else was letting their hair down and partying.

At a risk of looking like a complete creep Florence hovered in the doorway wondering if it was the right thing to do, was she ready?

Andrew was sitting hunched over his book glasses pushed back and checkered shirt rolled up, it was one of those moments Florence thought that her Aunt Charlotte had once referenced where you needed ten seconds of courage, just ten seconds and those ten seconds of courage could lead to your life changing.

Andrew would never make the first move he was too scared that he'd do something wrong, insert himself into a situation where they could no longer even have a conversation.

It was down to her, ten seconds, Florence took a deep breath and entered the library, he didn't look up at first probably thinking she was another student here to take out a book so she awkwardly cleared her throat.

He immediately looked up and seemed to freeze in place, great, she wasn't the only one who didn't know how to handle this conversation​.

"Hey Andrew, studying hard as usual"

God this was going badly already.

"Yep and what about you, heading home soon?"

She nodded and then took the seat opposite him, his eyes widened on suprise, this was so weird, the two of them weren't like this, weirdly formal.

"So I actually wanted to talk to you about something I've been thinking about for a while"

He didn't say anything, oh lord what if she'd read all the signs wrong? They had a good thing going was she going to wreck her only meaningful friendship?

Ten seconds of courage.

"I just wanted to thank you Andrew for always being there for me from the day I arrived here, I was so very lost and you helped me to find my way in more ways than one, having you beside me through thick and thin has meant alot to me and I was just wondering... only if you wanted to but would you like to come out with me sometime?"

She'd actually gone and done it, there was no going back, she felt the urge to pinch herself to make sure that she hadn't conjured up this scenario in a dream.

Florence looked up to see a smile spreading across his face, he moved his hand aside and gestured to her to come round to his side of the table, her heart in her mouth she obeyed and then her own face broke into a smile.

Beneath his book was a list, a classic Andrew list and at the top of the page read:

Ten Reasons why you (Florence) should go out with me:

1. We make each other happy

2. We would be a great us, we're practically always in sync

3. You don't mind my strange behaviour when it's exam time or my superstitions about opening umbrellas indoors

4. We've known each other for two years and in that space of time the most substantial argument we've had is about whether the water tastes different in my room compared to yours.

5. We basically already live together even though we don't

6. Your parents love me, really they do

7. We both know each other too well to hurt each other

8. You're probably the best friend I've ever had

9. You'd make me the happiest person in the world if you said yes

10. I promise right here and right now that I'll love you more than anyone ever could, I already do, I won't try and replace anyone and we can take things as slow as you want to, so please Florence stop me from humiliating myself with another list and say yes.

Florence finished reading half choking on laughter and half crying at the same time, it was so sweet and affirmed everything she'd ever thought about him.

"Phew I thought you'd never get to the end, well we both seem to be on the same page, I don't think I would have mustered up the courage to give you this if you hadn't come now, it would have joined the others in the bin, I'm free now, you free?"


Florence dabbed at her eyes and held a hand out to him.

"I'm free"

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