Feathered Hats

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Leila Reeves was the most elegant person Florence had ever come across, she wore a fur shrug and an elaborate feathered hat at all times, right now she was cradling her soon to be daughter in law's hand to admire the ring, she had cried around four times leaving streaks down her face where her pale foundation had once been.

If she could join into any family in the world, one of the best example would be the Reeves family made up of Leila, Anton, Freda and Andrew, the entire family were among some of the nicest people she had ever met, they were kind but not in an over the top way that made you think their kindness was faked.

Anton and Leila stood shoulder to shoulder now, smiling at her and Andrew like they could picture their entire life together, and standing here so could Florence, she would finish university this year along with Andrew, then graduate and find a small flat together, once they had jobs they could move to a nicer house and begin their family, it was all planned out.

"Florence we are absolutely delighted at the prospect of you becoming one of the Reeves, you know me and Leila love you like your our very own" 

Anton addressed her, tears glistening in his eyes, this was the most surprising thing about Andrew's family, they had no reservations or barriers if they were happy they were extremely happy and if they were emotional they would weep buckets, there was nothing guarded about the way they acted.

"And I'm so glad to be counted as one of you, thank you so much for welcoming me like you've done"

Cue the sniffing and blowing of noses along with a slightly drastic group hug, but still, Florence felt safe surrounded by these strong and dependable people, they were here people now marrying Andrew was one thing but marrying into a family so good-natured was the cherry on top of an already glorious sundae.

"That went well"

Andrew grinned at her as he held the car door open.

"They love you Flo, I knew it before but I'm certain now"

He paused.

"Florence I'm so glad I met you and that this happened, things didn't have to turn out like they did but I thank my lucky stars everyday that we found each other"

Surely her heart melting onto the pavement would cause an awful mess, she didn't really care.

Maybe it was the words, it was always the sweet-talkers, the poetic ones who could make her feel warm inside, and she fell for it, for him every single time.

She leant forwards and kissed him tasting oranges like she always did.

"Me too Andrew, I can't conjure up a magical display of words like you can but me too"

"So am I going to be in one of your books sometime soon?"

The question was asked in a playful manner, but there was a slight edge to his voice, barely detectable.

"I think the Dysmorphia series is better off as two books, and this, this is something I just want to keep all to myself"

She didn't know whether that was the answer he wanted but he seemed to accept it, just nodding and smiling.

"Where too now my gorgeous fiancee" he asked raising an eyebrow and pretending to tip his hat to her.

"Why my knight in shining armour I believe there to be a small town by the name of Phillipson where our presence is expected"

"Right you are my lady"

And he turned on the engine and pulled out of the driveway.

Phillipson was particularly beautiful in winter, pine cones littered the pavements and the buildings looked like they had been sprinkled with icing sugar, it looked like a scene from a romantic movie, the ending scene before the credits where played where everything came together.

Andrew had told her to invite her parents and a few close friends to a small gathering at Deirdre's, Florence had been reluctant at first wanting to tell everyone separately but had given into the idea, it was hardly going to be the biggest shock of the year announcing her engagement, and she wanted to see everyone there was nothing to feel apprehensive about her parents adored Andrew.

So why did she feel a knot of unease in the depths of her stomach?

"Here we are"

Andrew nudged her gently, she'd been pretending to be asleep for forty minutes not able to engage in small talk.

"Florence, love we're here"

She feigned a yawn and a stretch and then opened her eyes.

"So we are, home sweet home" she trailed off seeing the window display at Deirdre's, it was stunning with a gingerbread house and flashing lights, something so intricate could only have been crafted by a skilled interior designer by the name of Charlie Beacon.

She hadn't even thought about the fact that Charlie might be here, her Mother had told her she'd made something of a name in the interior designing world, but that didn't necessarily mean she had left Phillipson.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine"

Florence looked around at the six parked cars wondering how a small gathering would require quite so many cars.

Andrew looped her arm through his and guided her to the front door, she felt disorientated like she had ended up somewhere and she didn't know how she'd arrived, she clung on tight to Andrew, solid in the haze of memories.


She heard Cooper and then saw Amberly looking utterly adorable in a pink knitted dress and white boots.

"Cooper!" she untangled herself from Andrew and hugged her friend rejoicing at their reunion, Andrew began to make Amberly laugh by covering his face in a peekaboo fashion, he would one day make a great Father to someone.

What was she talking about?

They were engaged to be married and if all went well he would be a great father to her children.

There are some moments in life that are played in slow motion.

When the door open and the bell jingled this was one of them.

Florence turned around to see Cole Roberts opening the door and time quite literally ceased to exist.

And then it imploded when a beautiful brunette came into the restaurant behind him, her smile freezing the world in its tracks.

Dawning (Dysmorphia Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now