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Hundreds of fluffy clouds littered the sky, they almost looked like sheep grazing on the blue expanse of space, Chase looked down and it was as if someone had given him a telescope, a way to view the world below without disrupting it

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Hundreds of fluffy clouds littered the sky, they almost looked like sheep grazing on the blue expanse of space, Chase looked down and it was as if someone had given him a telescope, a way to view the world below without disrupting it.

Down there, were the people he loved, it was as if half of his heart carried on singing down there, though no one could hear him he smiled and sent down a silent prayer, that the two of them would always be there to look after each other because he wasn't anymore, it was like all of his plans had worked out, like he was a puppeteer still managing to pull the strings.

Cole and Florence had each other now, and each other was all they would need even as he lingered on here he knew it wouldn't be for much longer, his time was coming he could feel it.

But just because he was gone it didn't mean he couldn't love more than he ever had loved before, Chase conjured up the most perfect of messages, the clouds were perfectly white for a winters day.

He imagined icicles assembling, tiny droplets forming together into one perfect snowflake, one last memory that he had been down there once and he was still here, always to watch over from afar... or maybe not for much longer.

As the snowflake fell, the first of many he began to feel the familiar floating sensation but this time it was more intense, he'd done his watching and waiting, this felt like the right time to leave.

Chase smiled and then let go cutting away the strings that had been holding him as he left.

Thousands of kilometres down Florence sat at her kitchen table smiling down at the meal she'd assembled.

"Mummy!" Elise screamed from the garden, the girl had some powerful lungs, her screams could be heard from counties away.

"Yes honey, is your brother out there with you?"

Florence took off her apron and walked outside to the garden where Elise and Chase sat cross legged on the bench.

Chase's chubby cheeks broke into a smile as she scooped him up.

"Look!" Elise shouted impatiently.

Florence looked up and to her surprise saw what looked like a snowflake, but it didn't look like any old snowflake, it was utterly perfect and lined with silver, he mouth opened in a perfect circle as she watched its descent.

Elise reached up, trying to catch it not understanding that her warm little hands would melt it right away, but it danced out of her reach and travelled down to Florence's outstretched hand where it landed, to her shock it didn't melt it just stayed there like it was a jewel embedded into her hand.

Dawning (Dysmorphia Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now