Author's Note

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It was emotional for me to write that Epilogue, quite how emotional I didn't realise until I'd finished it, Florence's story has been a big part of my life for the past eight or so months, I hope you've all enjoyed the three books I've written even a fraction as much as I've enjoyed writing them, you are the best readers ever and I love and appreciate every single one of you.

I hope you were al satisfied with Florence's long overdue happy ending!

Special Mentions:

Cool_Raven- Thank you so, so much Farah for being there for me from the very start, I think you were probably the first person to read Dysmorphia and tell me you thought it was great, this motivated me to write more, and now here I am with a complete series, you are the best!

Sarcastic-Musician- Ananya your amazing and never let anyone tell you otherwise I think along with Farah you were there from the very start and I am SO grateful for your support and funny comments, I hope your satisfied with the ending of the series!

TokitoAmaru- Tokito! I don't know how I'm going to survive without your witty song lyrics/ comments on my notifications! I'll have to write another book that you like so I can carry on getting those lovely comments! Your a star for sticking with me and my dysfunctional Florence!

quirksofchloe- Thank you for the beautiful covers you've made for the series, you are seriously talented!

Clumsy_Girl8- Thank you Zara for your consistent support and comments on each and every chapter, it means the world to me!

_Fiendfyre- I don't know when your planning on writing a book of your own, but when you do know I will be there just like you've been there for me spamming you with votes and comments (please write something)

sheashrestha_x- I've already spoken to you on my message board but there's no harm in doing it again right? THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!

theheirofillea- Thank you for always being here, and messaging me your shocked reactions to each and every chapter, your comments and your votes are always there and I want to thank you a lot for being here!

_xxalyxx_- You ploughed through these three books like there was no tomorrow and I want to thank you for making it here! Your the best kind of reader so thank you, thank you!

Thank you to my best friends who have to hear my story ideas always and to my Mum and brothers for putting up with me and not caring when I scream the house down because I have a new story idea, I love you all!

And this applies to all my readers by the way, it doesn't matter if you don't comment or vote so I can't specifically name you, I'd love it if you messaged me one day so I can properly thank you, your all amazing!

So with a tear in my eye, I guess this writer has to sign off for the last time, with a thankful heart and a half smile on my face and one last THANK YOU and a slight sneak peak to show you all that even though it is over

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So with a tear in my eye, I guess this writer has to sign off for the last time, with a thankful heart and a half smile on my face and one last THANK YOU and a slight sneak peak to show you all that even though it is over... it isn't really over!

So I leave you on that note ;)

Love you all, and once more thank you!



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