The Waiting Game

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Florence woke up wondering why there was an ache in her heart and an empty space beside her, for a minute her disoriented mind wondered where on earth Andrew would be at this time and then it but her, she was on the single bed in her room back at home.

And she had three messages and two missed calls confirming that Andrew was by by hundreds of miles away, and she wished that he wasn't this distance felt almost unbearable.

Like it was happening again.

There was a plate ready for her when she came into the kitchen a pancake with blueberries arranged into a wide smile next to it a note signed by her Mother telling her she and Florence's father had gone for a morning walk.

She didnt feel like eating but the fruity smile staring questioningly up at her made Florence realise that she was being ridiculous, not eating breakfast would not make the month go by any quicker.

And she was expecting Natalie at 11am anyway, today was the first day of her tour and quite how she felt about that fact she wasn't sure, on one hand she was excited but the excitement was mixed with trepidation, her first location was Phillipson library and a crowd of two hundred were expected.

She quickly ate and then rushed upstairs to get ready replying to Andrews messages with too much exclamation marks and smiley faces as she brushed her teeth.

In her wardrobe were around twenty different outfit combinations that Nat had specially picked out, with the help of a stylist Florence would look the part on her first official tour.

Though this didn't make any sense why were they pandering to the press?

She didn't want to end up in tabloids for the clothes she chose to wear, she wanted only to be judged on her writing not her attire, that was completely irrelevant.

Ignoring the perfectly pressed blouses and imagining her agents scandalized face she turned to her own wardrobe and picked up a flowery dress Andrew had picked out for her because he said the blue brought out her eyes, he would still be there today in spirit.

Her hands shook as she applied eyeliner, with nerves or just because of the bitter cold air sweeping in through the open window she couldn't tell but once she was satisfied that her make-up wasn't over done whilst ensuring her face wouldn't be shiny in bright camera lights she called the taxi company.

Arnold was the name of her driver, a friendly elderly man who continued the small talk until the had arrived at the library telling Florence about his Labrador and three grand daughters, she nodded and agreed but her mind was elsewhere.

Natalie met her at the gate, eyes widening as she took in Florence's outfit.

"Honestly why do I bother, an entire day wasted you could have just told me you were going to wear any old thing I don't know why I try... oh wait your the most successful client I've ever had, of course I try"

Natalie herself was dressed in a pristine suit and looked more the part of a successful author than Florence ever would but she had vowed from the day she had sent the draft to the publishers, becoming an author wouldn't mean sacrificing her principles and becoming a sell out, she would remain herself wherever game took her.

"Sorry Nat, those clothes just weren't me"

Natalie rolled her eyes dramatically and then began ushering Florence into the library muttering all the way about how she was worked to the bone.

One hundred and twenty pairs of eyes blinked up at Florence as she ascended to the stage listening to a multitude of clapping as she walked.

Her eyes caught a brown pair as she slimmed across the crowd, those eyes were so familiar... surely not.

Lauren stated back at her, eyes creased with shock and could it be pride?

What on earth was her ex best friend who had left her in the lurch in the most cruel way doing here?

But she wasn't here in any kind of vendetta, the crowd where expecting some kind of speech and then a book signing, but in her mind she was back to year 11 Florence walking down a corridor to jeers with none of her friends following her.

"Miss Clarke are you quite alright?"

Mayor Woodbridge blinked at her with beady eyes, he had been giving his transitional words to the crowd and was holding out a microphone towards her.

She took it trying to not look like a crazy person.

"Hi everyone, thanks so much for coming here... um..."

Why had she forgotten how to speak?


Oh God.

She was rooted to the spot and there were no words existing in the English language anymore.

The crowd were blurred and then sudden!y someone was beside her taking the microphone away from her and if she could just focus she would see...

The bright blue eyes of Cole Roberts.

"Hi everyone I'm Cole for those of you who don't know me, Florence actually asked me to come and help her out today with her speech, and as I prominently feature in one her books under a different name of course I accepted, for those of yours who've never had the pleasure of being properly acquainted with her Florence Clarke is not only an extremely talented author, she's also and amazing person all around"

What was he doing.

"She wrote these books and shared her story with the world because she wanted other people suffering to know that theyre never suffering alone, and she is one of the greatest credits to this town because she is a shining example that against all the odds you can survive another day, so I'm sure you'll all join me in applauding the fighting spirit inside of this great person"

He began clapping and slowly the crowd followed like they'd all been in a trance at Cole's words just as she had, whooping and cheers filled the room.

Cole has just saved her, he's actually just saved her from public humiliation and she couldn't grasp where he'd come from or why he's decided to intervene.

The crowd began to disperse and form an orderly queue in front of the table displaying a banner for the Dysmorphia series, Florence was still in a state of shock.

What had just happened?

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