Chapter 1: The Reason Why

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar. 

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Upottery, England: 1944

The dark gloomy sky of England was the perfect representation of Eliza Clark's emotions; the lingering fear and hesitation of jumping out of a plane to carry out her duty as a medic. Hell, every paratrooper was feeling the exact same thing. Around her, soldiers were checking their equipment, praying, and getting mohawks from Joe Liebgott to pass the time as they wait for further instructions.

Meanwhile, Eliza unclasped her necklace and slowly placed it in the palm of her right hands. The necklace was Eliza's prized possession since it used to be from her mother, who passed away years ago from influenza. As she gazed upon the necklace with its sparkling diamonds that formed a star, Eliza was reminded of the reason she joined the war. And so, the brown-haired medic of Easy Company gained the strength she needed to swallow her fear.

"Easy Company! Listen up! Gather around me!" First Lieutenant Thomas Meehan exclaimed from a distance, breaking Eliza's train of thought.

From the orders of the Lieutenant, Eliza quickly placed the necklace into her pocket and ran with the other men.

"Move it up! Let's go!" Meehan continued as the rest of the company surrounded the jeep he was standing on.

"The channel coast is socked in with rain and fog. High winds in the drop zone. No jump tonight. The invasion has been postponed. We're on a 24-hour stand-down."

With the dreaded jump postponed, the men grumbled and complained. However, Eliza cursed under her breath as the emotions came back, washing over her as if someone dumped ice cold water.

"Son of a Bitch," Bill Guarnere cursed with a frown.

"You got that right Gonorrhea," Eliza stated as she patted his shoulder.

"Now we gotta take off all of this shit and put it on again," She grunted, referring to the equipment weighing her down and the black substance smeared all over her face.

"You shouldn't even be complaining. Your medic's gear weighs less than ours," Joe Toye replied as he began to fuss with his chute.

"Shut up Toye, the amount of goddamn medical equipment I have weighs the same as any other paratrooper's shit," Eliza stated as she glared at him.

It was common knowledge in the company that Eliza wasn't a gal to cross due to her sharp tongue and witty comebacks. The men of Easy Company were surprised at first, but it showed that she was able to handle herself. So it wasn't a surprise that Eliza endured the harassment from her peers and became an official paratrooper.

As they began to take off their gear off, Eliza didn't notice that a loose string had caught onto a buckle on her chute, causing a tear on her pocket and the necklace falling to the floor.

"Hurry it up Stardust, I heard they're showin' a film up ahead," Guarnere stated as he nudged Eliza's arm as a sign to hurry.

"Okay Gonorrhea, don't get your knickers up in a twist," Eliza responded with a fake British accent causing Guarnere to smirk.

"From what I'm seeing, you like Old Gonorrhea better than me. You wound me, Stardust," Toye declared as he placed his hand on his chest as if his heart was breaking.

"Don't worry Toye, I like you just as much as the next guy," Eliza joked as she grabbed Guarnere's and Toye's arm, dragging them to the screening.

"But you know who our Stardust likes more than the rest of us, Bill?" Toye questioned with a smirk.

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