Chapter 9: Day of Days

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you BasiclyMadeOfTrash, SolomonReed, BadBanshee, MelissaBarringer, KarinaJensen0, BrightShadowWolf31, esquimauve, teryssek02, and karaah_charles for voting!

And thank you kats12345, myybookishfairytale, AbIgAiL584, esquimauve, KomaCrow666, and _loserval_ for adding La Vie En Rose to your Reading List!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Normandy, France: 1944

The night grew cold and dark as Winters, Hall, and Eliza continued their trek into the forests of Normandy. The trio had few encounters with the Germans but luckily were able to escape without any apprehensions. Even though the darkness of the night and the woods provided easy concealment, the soldiers were careful of their steps since dead foliage covered the ground. Unfortunately, this task was difficult for Eliza since her sprained ankle prevented her from moving swiftly such as Winters and Hall. Not only was Eliza's sprained ankle an issue, but the deep gash at the side of her abdomen became very painful whenever she moved. It was excruciating for Eliza to continue walking with the men. However, she couldn't risk asking support from one of the men or stop to take a break since the Germans were nearby. So, with a straight face, Eliza ignored her pain and followed Winters and Hall.

As the group walked further into the forest, Eliza became dizzy from blood loss, while the pain from her sprained ankle became too agonizing for her to walk. While Winters and Hall were scanning the area for enemies, Eliza leaned onto a trunk of a tree for support and closed her eyes to relieve her dizziness. However, due to the lack of rest, Eliza fainted as her body loudly thudded onto the ground.

The loud sound alerted the two men, as Hall pointed his rifle towards the direction of the noise, prepared to shoot, while Winters took his knife out. As their eyes scanned the area, they saw Eliza on the ground, unresponsive.

With haste, Winters knelt down onto the grass and settled Eliza in a sitting position, while a nearby tree trunk supported her. With fear and concern plastered on Winters's face, he quickly examined Eliza to make sure that a bullet was not the cause of her fall. With a sigh of relief, Winters didn't find any bullet wounds on Eliza. However, relief was short-lived as Winters discovered the reason for her collapse, as he looked at his hand stained with blood in the pale moonlight. Examining Eliza's abdomen, Winters found her former white bandage soaked with blood. As he looked at the extent of her wound, Winters cursed himself for not noticing that Eliza was becoming weak from the strenuous walking. Winters knew how Eliza was stubborn, which was not a surprise for him that she would ignore her pain so that the trio could reach the assembly area. Winters admired Eliza for her selflessness, but he was also upset that she would willingly place herself in danger for others since it broke his heart to see her suffer.

"Is she all right sir?" Hall questioned with worry, breaking Winters's reverie.

"I'm not sure Hall, she fainted from exhaustion and blood loss. Do me a favor, watch the area while I tend to her wounds," Winters stated as he searched Eliza's pouch for sulfa and gauze.

"Will do sir," Hall answered, turning his back away from the pair and patrolled the area, making sure there was no indication of the enemy.

While Winters covered Eliza's gash with sulfa, he couldn't help but remember the time he also tended her wound when she fell from running Currahee. With a smile on his face, Winters wrapped gauze around Eliza's stomach. However, the sudden movement roused Eliza from her unconsciousness. As she lifted her head, settled on the rough exterior of the trunk, Eliza saw that Winters was in the midst of wrapping gauze.

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