Chapter 4: Stardust

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you fungee and KarinaJensen0 for voting!

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Camp Toccoa, Georgia: 1942

When Eliza finished stargazing with Winters, she went back to the cabins and immediately took her uniform off. When her head dropped onto the pillow, Eliza quickly fell asleep due to exhaustion. As the sun rose, its bright lights immediately woke Eliza since her window didn't have curtains. However, when Eliza slowly opened her eyes, she saw that the cabin was empty. An empty cabin in the morning meant that everyone was eating breakfast at the mess hall, so Eliza quickly jumped out of her bed and changed into her uniform, not giving a damn about her appearance. When Eliza entered the mess hall, she saw the men beginning to eat, and with a sigh of relief, she went to grab what food was left. After waiting in line, Eliza sat next to Liebgott.

"Hey, sleeping beauty finally woke up," remarked Liebgott with a smirk.

"Shut up Joe, you try marching 24 miles in the dark without drinking any fucking water. Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" retorted Eliza as she harshly punched his shoulder.

"Calm down, Liz. No need to get all violent, I thought you needed more sleep so I left without you," Liebgott stated while rubbing his shoulder as if it would ease the slight pain.

"Morning Stardust, you look like shit," commented Luz as he sat down next to her.

"Why thank you, Luz," Eliza commented back with a sarcastic tone.

"You're welcome," Luz replied back with a smirk and the trio started eating breakfast.

Because she was so tired, Eliza only ate a little and went back to sleep on her crossed arms which supporting her head, while the men around her talked or complained. After a while, Liebgott saw Eliza fast asleep and smiled at the sight, he would later wake her up and hopefully not face her wrath a second time.

Meanwhile, Nixon and Winters were having a conversation about last night's march.

"So, what did you do?" Nixon questioned while his tray was being filled with what the military deemed "food".

"Picked six men and gave them latrine duty," answered Winters, while both men walked to a table.

"The lucky six?"

"McDonald, Toye, Perconte, Lipton, Muck and Guarnere."

"Why them?"

"It was their turn. However, Eliza wanted to take part in it." When Winters mentioned Eliza, he smiled.

"How come?" Nixon asked curiously while he sipped the bitter coffee.

"Eliza thought it was her fault that Lieutenant Sobel issued infractions. But I assured her that she wasn't at fault. She even marched with Private Christenson." When Winters answered, Nixon, smiled. His brown-haired friend was always looking out for her comrades.

"From what I'm seeing, Sobel's a genius. I had a headmaster just like him in prep school; I know the type."

"Lewis, Michelangelo's a genius, Beethoven a genius..."

"You know a man or woman in this company who wouldn't double-time Currahee with a full pack, just to piss in that guy's morning coffee?"

And with that notion, both Lieutenants continued eating their breakfast.

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