Chapter 14: Least Expected

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you -Prettyfake-, Marvel_Agent, peace1lovepeeps, Ilovemyabcdefg, MelissaBarringer, TupperAR, pinksparkles705, FionaHacronius, and Lily_Binette for voting!

Also thank you Hafsa2001Cheadle, SophieMorrish, sarai_7, and mxstyh0rizon for adding La Vie En Rose to their Reading Lists!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

An Airfield in England: 1944

Turning around to whoever called her, Eliza hoped her mind was playing tricks, that it wasn't a certain captain hated by Easy Company. But fully positioned to see who it was, Eliza cursed under her breath. It was indeed, Captain Sobel.

Unbuckling her parachute and dropping it with the rest of her gear, Eliza walked towards Sobel and saw that he was previously taking to Malarkey. Being dismissed, Malarkey solemnly nodded towards Eliza, who stared at the reason why they were called. Behind Sobel was the damn motorcycle that Malarkey and More stole back at Aldbourne.

"Captain Sobel," Eliza greeted with a salute as she stood in front of him.

"Corporal Clark," Sobel replied, saluting back at her.

"Do you happen to know who stole this motorcycle? Maybe you recall seeing Sergeant Malarkey with this certain motorcycle?" Sobel continued, looking down at her with the same disdain he had shown her ever since the first day at Camp Toccoa.

Knowing precisely the two paratroopers who stole the motorcycle and seeing them in the act with her own eyes, Eliza wasn't going to give Sobel the satisfaction of ratting her comrades. Even though Sobel had trained her and the rest of Easy Company to be the best, Eliza would rather hike Currahee in full gear at the dead of night than be a snitch for Sobel.

"No, sir. I do not know who stole the motorcycle, nor do I know if Sergeant Malarkey was responsible for it," Eliza responded with clenched fists, trying her best to be respectful.

"Clark, it will not do you any good to lie to your superior officer," Sobel exclaimed, a frown etching onto his face while his brows scrunched in rage.

Before Sobel could continue his rant, Eliza interjected, "With all due respect, sir, I have more important things to attend to than being questioned about a stolen motorcycle already found."

Without acknowledging his growing temper, Eliza saluted Sobel out of respect for his rank and walked away, hoping that it would be the last encounter she would have with the insufferable captain.

Making her way to the gear she left, Eliza saw that Malarkey was approaching her.

"Hey, Stardust, what did Sobel want with you?" Malarkey asked, walking beside Eliza to her station.

"What'd you think, Don? I'm pretty sure the motorcycle is a huge clue on what Sobel wanted to talk about?"

"Damn it, you didn't tell him, did you?"

"Of course not, why would you think I would rat you and More to Sobel?"

Malarkey sighed with relief, he knew Eliza wouldn't betray them, but he wanted to be sure. Not wanting to trouble Eliza anymore, Malarkey thanked her and made his way back to his station.

But before he left, Eliza exclaimed with a smirk, "Hey, next time you do something reckless, make sure to cover your tracks. I don't wanna be covering your ass again."

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