Chapter 2: Currahee

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you gemmamay459 and KarinaJensen0 for voting!

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Camp Toccoa, Georgia: 1942

Eliza stood still in the hot Georgia heat, waiting for the damned First Lieutenant Herbert Sobel to appear as the platoon waited in formation. While waiting, they became targets for mosquitoes, hungrily buzzing around. A mosquito had apparently got Nixon as he quickly swatted his neck. Unknown to him, Eliza smiled jokingly from behind, but karma interfered and her smile quickly turned into a frown since a mosquito bit her cheek. Eliza slapped her own cheek, successfully ending its life.

"Why are ya slapping yourself, Stardust?" George Luz joked, standing at her right side.

"Shut up, Luz," Eliza responded with a glare since she was tired of waiting in the heat, while mosquitoes bit her.

"You people are at the position of attention!" First Lieutenant Sobel shouted as he appeared with First Sergeant William Evans by his side.

Eliza starred as Sobel walked to the company wearing a brown leather jacket, wondering why he was wearing a leather jacket on a hot day. No one in their right mind would wear such a heavy jacket in the scorching heat.

As Sobel neared the platoon, he turned to one of the men, Frank Perconte.

"Private Perconte, have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper?" Sobel asked with a stern voice.

"No, sir," Perconte responded after bolting his rifle.

"Then explain the creases at the bottom," The Lieutenant continued.

"No excuse, sir," Perconte replied with a gulp.

"Volunteering for the Parachute Infantry is one thing, Perconte, but you've got a long way to prove that you belong here. Your weekend pass is revoked."

After tormenting Perconte, Sobel turned to his next victim, George Luz.

"Name," Sobel questioned, even though he knew the names of the men in his company.

"Luz, George," replied Luz as Sobel took his rifle.

"Dirt in the rear sight aperture. Pass revoked."

"Name," Sobel asked, however with much dislike since the trooper in front of him was a female. Sobel believed women didn't belong in the army, especially in his own company. His goal was to make Easy Company the best goddamn company in the airborne and he wasn't going to let a woman ruin it.

"Clark, Eliza," Eliza responded with much hatred.

"Private, your hair is sticking out of your helmet and there's dirt on your uniform. You better fix your appearance, what kind of soldier can't even handle the simplest of things. Pass revoked."

"Yes, sir," Eliza responded with the same tone.

Eliza knew her hair was neatly kept because she was sure that each strand was tied to her bun. Hell, her bun was so tight that it was pulling her hair out of their roots. And the "dirt" that Sobel pointed out was a mere speck.

Eliza knew that the Lieutenant hated her, so he always pointed out very unreasonable infractions, resulting in many of her passes revoked. Eliza in return hated that man with all her guts. Sobel then stood in front of John Martin, however, he stormed to Sergeant Carwood Lipton.

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