Chapter 6: Into New Territories

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you KarinaJensen0, fungee, Skiing04Mil, Skipper74, paprika0437, -stillgarbage, -Kingsam, emma-the-writer, dancingducklover, Yanowisme, and KacieMills for voting!

Also thank you to emma-the-writer, -stillgarbage, Ajkolar21, Carolinagirl2017, dancingducklover, and georgiaice for adding La Vie En Rose to their Reading List! 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Camp Mackall: 1943

Days have passed since Easy Company failed the simulation due to Captain Sovel. From this incident, Easy Company were worried that if Captain Sobel would lead them into the damn war, they would surely die quickly in the hands of the enemy.

Meanwhile, in the barracks, Lieutenants Nixon and Winters were discussing the future of Easy Company.

"What are you gonna do?" Nixon asked as he was packing since they were moving out.

"Nothing, just keep training the men," Winters answered back as he rummaged through a box.

"Am I interrupting?" Lieutenant Welsh exclaimed as he entered, making his presence known to the Lieutenants.

"No, no. Lieutenant Lewis Nixon, Lieutenant Harry Welsh, just in from the 82nd," Winters stated as he introduced both men to each other.

"Congratulations on the promotion," Welsh stated as he shook the hands of Nixon.

"Thanks, if you wanna call it that. You'll learn him pretty quickly. No flaws, no vices, no sense of humor," Nixon answered back with a small smile.

"Just like your chums up at Battalion staff?" Winters cleverly replied back.

"What's up?"

"I'm hearing a lot of rumblings."

"Sobel? We were just talking about that."

"So, he gets a little jumpy in the field?"

"He gets jumpy and then you get killed."

"That's nice..."

"Yeah, listen, if we discuss it, I think it should be just amongst ourselves."

"Oh, absolutely."

"What are you guys talking about?" Eliza suddenly voiced at the end of the conversation, surprising the Lieutenants. From their expressions, Eliza sheepishly smiled since she knew that her voice startled them.

"Jesus Christ, Eliza, next time knock on the goddamn door," Nixon replied back.

"Maybe next time, close the door when you're talking about something you don't want others to hear, " Eliza sassed back as she pointed to the door that was wide open.

"Since you're already here, Eliza meet Lieutenant Welsh from the 82nd," Winters stated as Welsh raised his hand for a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you, Lieutenant Welsh," Eliza greeted as she shook his hand with a smile.

"Likewise, Corporal Clark." Welsh couldn't help but smile back at her.

"Well, I just wanted to stop by to personally congratulate Lieutenant Nixon, but I saw that he was preoccupied, so I'll be on my way. But it was nice meeting you Lieutenant Welsh," Eliza waved good-bye and left the Lieutenants to finish their conversation.

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