Chapter 5: A Hidden Truth

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you to KarinaJensen0 and bandofnarnia for voting!

 Also thank you LeesFreak112, fungee, blondethinkpink, and bandofnarnia for adding my story to your reading list! 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Camp Toccoa: 1942

Easy Company was currently in the mess hall eating spaghetti that Sobel ordered for today's lunch. It was a surprise that the company was given such a delicacy deemed to the military's standard, however, the men didn't put much thought into it as they were hungry. Eliza, however, arrived late since she was diligently studying for medic training and had lost track of time. As Eliza stood in line, she heard the cook telling Winters that more spaghetti would be coming up because the men were grabbing seconds. After the comment, Winters turned his head and saw Eliza with her tray in hand waiting for food. He gave her a smile to apologize since she had to wait.

"Damn men and their appetite," Eliza remarked with a smile.

"Well, you can't blame them," Winters replied.

"Changing the topic, it's uncalled for that Lieutenant Sobel assigned you as mess officer. In my perspective, it's a waste of your time since you could be leading the men in training, which is more important," Eliza continued the conversation with a pointed look.

However, Winters couldn't reply as the cook returned with more spaghetti and filled her tray. So instead, Winters gave her the same pointed look, to watch what she was saying. Eliza in return gave an innocent smile and made her way to the tables.

"This stuff is orange. Spaghetti ain't supposed to be orange," A soldier shouted out as Eliza sat down next to Liebgott and gave him a smile as a greeting. Liebgott smiled in return with spaghetti sauce all over his mouth.

"This ain't spaghetti. This is Army noodles with ketchup," Perconte replied back as he was eating a bread roll.

"You ain't gotta eat it," Guarnere commented while eating his own plate of spaghetti.

"Oh, come on, Gonorrhea, as a fellow Italian you should know that calling this crap spaghetti is a mortal sin."

"You don't want it? I'll have it." Hoobler turned his back and tried to reach for Perconte's plate.

"I'm eating here!" Perconte shouted, while Guarnere swatted Hoobler back and shouted, "Hey! Get outta here."

From two tables away, Eliza watched the interaction between her friends with a smile. She did agree with Perconte as her plate was filled with crap that the army called "spaghetti", so she left her plate untouched. In addition, Eliza found it strange for Sobel to give them a special meal because he didn't care what Easy Company was eating. Eliza did think that the reason was for his promotion, but it would be highly unusual for Sobel to gift them without something in return.

As Eliza was in thought, Liebgott saw that she wasn't eating her spaghetti and thought that something was wrong.

"Liz, why aren't you eating? Is something wrong?" Liebgott asked with worry, she was touched that he cared so much for her, he was the older brother she never had.

"I'm fine Joe, but don't you find it strange that Sobel ordered spaghetti for lunch?" Eliza expressed her thought.

"Well it is weird, but I'm glad that son of a bitch gave us something better than the crap they always serve," Liebgott responded as he filled more spaghetti in his mouth.

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