Chapter 12: A Painful Reality

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you Kamilius, Little_Miss_Charming, Marvel_Agent, CelestiaVictoria, Incxptions, xximperioxx, MelissaFacundo9, yukachu, FionaHacronius, squirtzzz, XxtimetravellerxX, SlYtHeRiNsSsNaKeS, greeksgxds, and Always_Wonderwoman for voting!

Also thank you ughavengers, dreamer1529, gottapennyy, Lxving_Winterz, olivianoon1, SamanthaHensley028, devie_do, JulijaGip, JlMSHALPERT, XxtimetravellerxX, hannevgnd, Rosemary2018potter, paprika0437, crocs12, fighterpilot5, and cail160 for adding La Vie En Rose to their Reading Lists!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Outskirts of Carentan, France: 1944

As quickly mortars came down onto Easy company, so was the call for a medic. With a nod to each other for luck and hopefully God forbid, a final good-bye, Eliza and Roe sprinted to wherever they were needed to be. Using foliage for concealment against the bullets and mortars, Eliza crouched down and hauled herself until she neared the soldier screaming for help.

The blast from mortars, the ringing from shooting weapons, and shouts of officers ordering to lay low and fire away made it difficult to pinpoint the screams for a medic. Eliza managed to crawl to the soldier who was groaning in pain, shrapnel embedded in his thigh. Upon further inspection, the shrapnel had not fully decapitated his leg, so Eliza tried to ease the soldier with her calm voice, who kept thrashing in pain. Even though it was fortunate that his leg was intact, his movements would have made the injury worse as he could've further lodged the piece of metal. However, the soldier kept squirming in pain, so Eliza had no choice but to use morphine. Once the paratrooper was calm, Eliza immediately tied a tourniquet at the base of his thigh to prevent any more blood loss. When it was secured, she sanitized and wrapped the wound with gauze. After taking care of the injury and making sure the morphine had kicked in, Eliza, gently as possible, hauled the paratrooper onto her back to evacuate him out of the battle. Fortunately, Eliza had managed to do so, dodging bullets and shrapnel while running with the injured paratrooper on her back.

It had become a routine for Eliza as the battle raged on at the outskirts of Carentan, run towards the injured while not getting wounded herself, and doing her best to make sure they stayed alive until she could bring them out. Eliza contrived to treat five more soldiers; however, two out of five had died while she was administering aid. Another two deaths added onto the mounting list of people she couldn't save.

The battle had continued relentlessly; the chaos evident as bodies scattered among the ground, dirt raining down from the impact of mortars, and the quick stream of bullets zipping through the air that could immediately end the unfortunate soldier's life in its way. Eliza had safely evacuated the seventh paratrooper injured from a shot to the shoulder. Propitiously, the bullet had exited the wound, so there was no concern for the metal to cause infections. However, without the bullet, the injury was left open to bleed. When Eliza arrived to treat the paratrooper, it was evident by the fluttering of his eyes that he was nearing unconscious from blood loss. Immediately, Eliza retrieved plasma from her medical pouch and injected it into his arm. Having done this many times before, Eliza cleaned and bandaged the wound and hauled him to safety.

When she entered the battlefield after handing another wounded to two medics, Eliza heard a scream from a distance to her left. Running towards the agonizing scream, Eliza saw up ahead a soldier clutching his stomach with bloody hands. However, Eliza wouldn't be able to save the man's life as the shell of a tank landed near him, ending his life immediately. Because Eliza was a few meters away, she wasn't severely injured; however, the impact propelled Eliza, harshly throwing her to the ground. Without her helmet in place, Eliza bumped her head against the rough foliage, resulting in a concussion and a sharp cut on her hairline.

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