Chapter 13: Replacements

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you curaheeee, Marvel_Agent, -Prettyfake-, wexhappyxfew, peace1lovepeeps, millie_swmrs_1975, Ilovemyabcdefg, mxstyh0rizon, HopeVainProductions, and TupperAR for voting!

Also thank you taylerd9, caitybell1919, DeacandDot, vintagelavenderskies, Jjthecoolgirl, bellsibupp, and supersoldiers for adding La Vie En Rose to their Reading Lists!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Aldbourne, England: 1944

Eliza was at one of Aldbourne's pub, sitting at a table alone and sipping a glass of beer. She had started frequenting the pub, ordering acholic drinks to be numb. There were times when the pain was uncontrollable that Eliza would just lie down in her bed, crying until there were no more tears. Other times Eliza was emotionally tired that she tried to sleep it off, but nightmares of her father plagued her. Her time at the pub didn't mean that she spent it all on drinking; she only drank when it became unbearable. Ironically, alcohol was the reason her father had gotten into a coma and died; a drunk driver had crashed into his cab. But here she was, drinking because it was better to feel nothing.

Eliza was drinking at the moment because she was writing a series of letters to her siblings and Jane. It had taken all of her strength to complete it, she had been angry that they decided to pull the plug without even consulting her. But as days past by, Eliza understood their reasoning since there was no point in holding on; it was the best course for everyone. While one set of letters was a response, the other letters were if she was killed in action. Back then, in the mess hall, Sergeant Lipton had announced that Easy Company was leaving England to head up to France. Eliza knew that Easy was going back to fight at any notice, so at least these letters were to serve as her final goodbyes since she couldn't be with them in person.

After she wrote the last sentence to her siblings' letters and placed it in an envelope, Eliza gulp the last bit of her beer and prepared to leave until a group of Easy men called out to get her attention.

"Hey, Stardust, where have you been? Haven't seen you in a while," Guarnere exclaimed as Randleman, Martin, and Private Edward Heffron also chimed their agreement.

The mention of her nickname struck a painful sensation in her chest, especially since it was the beloved nickname that her father used. Among the men, only Randleman had noticed that Eliza's smile had wavered.

"Sorry about that, I haven't been feeling well these past few days. It's good to see you, Private Heffron. How are the men treating you? I hope they're not giving you a hard time," Eliza answered with a slight smirk.

Eliza met Heffron back at the mess hall through Guarnere, acquainted since both men came from Philadelphia. Even when she first met Heffron, Eliza knew how similar he was with Guarnere. So it wasn't a surprise when she discovered that Guarnere took Heffron under his wings.

"I'm fine, ma'am, nothing I can't handle," Heffron replied while Guarnere patted him on the back, while the rest of the men returned to the game of darts between Compton, Luz, and Toye.

"C'mon Stardust, he's one of us! And here, have a drink. Hey, Babe, you better start winning soon, I think your buddies are starting to miss you," Guarnere sarcastically mentioned, handing Eliza a glass of beer, while Heffron returned to the conversation.

"Yeah, they do look kind of sad, don't they?" Heffron commented, taking a sip of beer.

"They're just serious fighting me, that's all," Randleman expressed, joining in the conversation with Martin and patting Eliza's shoulder as a greeting. In return, Eliza grinned at Randlemen and Martin.

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