Chapter 11: Letting Go (Part 1)

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you BasiclyMadeOfTrash, MelissaBarringer, KarinaJensen0, paprika0437, fightemdrunk, BrightShawdowWolf31, karaah_charles, SolomonReed, mm13aa, KellanFictionAuthor, myybookishfairytale, briansradio, GENIAHINDAIRAPOTTER, Mary_xoxo_rose, baritone130, yellow-tree, Klaroslav, Little_Miss_Charming, Lewis_Nix, MaryRae9, emma-the-artist, OliviRamon, SomeWerid80skid, muserice, Whatdoes47920say, JmoTheFangirl, xximperioxx, millie_swmrs_1975, Pliers22, QueenCavalloneX, theredwolf_27, smol___beans, Lily_Binette, and Marvel_Agent for voting!

Also thank you drazard34, karaah_charles, issyyxoxo, ChaoticMarch, Savanna_137, yellow-tree, Effystories, XxnaillxX, thatnerdygirl14, Xxskully245xX, -obrienx, TheBee889, soyjota123, SolomonReed, immrssebastianstan, bookslover2014, SaraReyntiens, emma-the-artist, Seanchow806, juxebox_hero97, SomeWerid80skid, astria_constantine, QliviaThouQueen, carida12, lynn927, ancient_nymph, SingularSingularity, emogirl14975, marienicole99, QueenCavalloneX, writingworm167, sighviolets, and Twiddlestick1 for adding La Vie En Rose to their Reading List!

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Carentan, France: 1944

As Winters held Eliza in his arms, he felt the wetness of Eliza's tears as it soaked his jacket. Releasing a tired sigh, Winters didn't know the extent to which Eliza was bottling up her emotions. Winters knew that Eliza wasn't one to express her feelings to others since she saw herself as a burden if she were to do so. However, to Winters, he would never see Eliza as a burden because even the most independent and stubborn person needs someone to rely upon. Meanwhile, Eliza found comfort in the arms of Winters, which she was utterly grateful for since no one had been there for her as Winters has. Even when her mother died, Eliza forced herself to be valiant so her younger siblings and father through their grief, had someone to depend on. For this reason, Eliza took it upon herself to care for others before herself, whether it be emotionally or physically. However, all good things must come to an end as Eliza knew she would have to let go of the comfort within Winters's arms. Reluctantly, Eliza removed herself from Winters, and as she saw his tear-stained jacket, Eliza blushed in embarrassment.

"Damn it; Dick I'm sorry for wetting your jacket," Eliza stated as she looked into her pockets for some cloth to pat his jacket dry.

"No need to apologize, Eliza; this should be the least of your worries," Winters replied, as he held her hand to stop her fussing over his jacket.

As their hands touched, Eliza and Winters couldn't help but feel a spark.

"Well, I-I should get back to the aid station," Eliza stammered as her cheeks redden once again.

"Eliza, it would be best if you take a break; I'm sure the other medics could manage without you."

Winters's gaze showed his plea for Eliza to follow his order, and so she complied without any revolt. Before going their separate ways, Eliza turned towards Winters gaining his attention; and with a smile, she stated, "I know I always thank you, but I truly mean it every time. No one has ever been there for me as you have." 

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As Eliza departed the aid station, she saw from a distance, Blithe and some of the men from First and Second Platoon laying on the stairs of a wrecked building. Eliza decided to join the group, to inspect Blithe's eyes once more and to make sure her comrades were okay. When she came closer to the group, the men uttered out their greetings while Muck gurgled his words since his mouth was full.

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