Chapter 10: Carentan

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you BasiclyMadeOfTrash, SolomonReed, KarinaJensen0, karaah_charles, BadBanshee, BrightShadowWolf31, myybookishfairytale, MelissaBarringer, KellanFictionAuthor, and esquimauve for voting! 

And thank you Saphire2102 for adding La Vie En Rose to your Reading List! 

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Normandy, France: 1944

A few days after capturing Sainte-Mere-Eglise, Eliza and the men were taking a break, waiting for more men to join them as Easy Company was not yet complete. Meanwhile, Eliza was resting on the steps of a monument with Perconte and Dukeman by her side. However, the loud shoutings of the men suddenly woke her up. As Eliza lifted her helmet off from her face, she saw Talbert, Blithe, Powers, and other men from First Platoon joining them. While Talbert and Powers were talking with Liebgott and Luz, Blithe decided to sit down on the monument while the trio questioned him about his travels.

"Hey Blithe, it's good to see you," Eliza greeted with a smile, Blithe smiled in return.

"How was your jump?" Dukeman asked.

"Ah, missed the DZ," Blithe responded while placing his rifle and helmet down on the steps.

"Yeah, that goes without saying. Got any good souvenirs to trade?" Perconte asked, which Blithe responded with a confused expression. To clarify, Perconte showed Blithe the row of watches, strapped onto his left arm. While Dukeman was gazing at the watches, Eliza laid back down onto the steps to rest.

"They're all tickin', unlike their previous owners."

"So, have we lost anybody?"

"Tommy Burgess took one in the face, while Popeye Wynn got pinked in the behind."

"Hey, Eliza, how're they doin'?"

"They're gonna be okay, just shipped to a hospital in England."

At Eliza's response, the men were relieved, and so they continued onto their chatter while Eliza went back to her nap. However, Eliza's snooze shortly ended when Lieutenant Welsh shouted for First Platoon to move out.

"Let's go, First Platoon! Easy's moving out! On your feet!"

As the men gathered their items to head out, Eliza cursed under her breath since she was sleep-deprived. Even with a sprained ankle and a gash on her stomach, Eliza still helped around the aid station, stitching and cleaning wounds. If she wasn't in the aid station, Eliza was checking up on the men, making sure they ate and were well-rested. After checking her equipment and putting on her helmet, Eliza joined the men of First Platoon.

"Listen up! It'll be dark soon. I want light and noise from here on. No talking, no smoking, and no playing grab-fanny with the man in front of you, Luz." At the last part of Welsh's orders, everyone laughed.

"So where are we headed to, Lieutenant?" A soldier asked as all men of First Platoon stood in formation, at the front of Welsh.

"We're taking Carentan."

"That sounds like fun," Perconte sarcastically stated, which earned a tired smile from Eliza.

"It's the only place where armor from Omaha and Utah Beach can link up and head inland. Until we take Carentan, they're stuck on the sand. General Taylor's sending the whole division."

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