Chapter 3: Fitting In

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you atavists and KarinaJensen0 for voting!

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Camp Toccoa, Georgia: 1942

After the break, Eliza was on her way to lecture for the medics, while the other men of Easy were to have a lecture on weaponry. From a distance, Eliza saw her fellow medics, Eugene Roe and Ralph Spina on their way so she ran to join them.

"Hey guys, wait up!"

"Well if it isn't Eliza Clark, here to grace us with her presence," Spina stated with mock amazement while Roe smiled at his comment.

"You're very welcome, Spina. But I'm just here to accompany you mere mortals to medic training." Eliza replied with a sarcastic smile.

"Clark, what happened to your knee?" Roe asked with worry as he saw the bandages tied to her knee.

"It's just a mere scrape. I tripped while running Currahee," Eliza reassured him.

"That ain't a small cut. You got gauze wrapped around your knee," Roe stated as he gave her a stern look.

"Don't worry about it, Gene. I got it all cleaned up."

From her words, the memory of Winters taking care of her, popped into her mind. And so Eliza's face began to blush.

"Eliza, why are ya turning red?" Spina questioned with interest.

"It's nothing! C'mon we're going to be late if we don't hurry." Eliza walked ahead of Roe and Spina, while both men shared a look of confusion, as they wondered what had caused Eliza's face to blush so suddenly.

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During Lecture...

Eliza couldn't focus much on what the doctor was saying, which was a problem since she never had a hard time being attentive. However, on this particular day, her brain chose not to cooperate with her. Fortunately, Eliza was a nurse before she signed up as a medic, so she wouldn't suffer the consequences for her malfunctioning brain. Eliza realized that she wasn't focusing because her mind was drifting to a certain red-haired Lieutenant. With a smile, Eliza remembered the first time she met Richard Winters and the other men of Easy Company.

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Camp Toccoa, Georgia: 1942

After a brief training on military protocol and manners, Eliza was on a train to Georgia for her official training as a medic. As she looked out of the window, Eliza saw the beautiful landscape. The sun was shining below, making the sky clear and the grass greener among the multitude of fields passing by. Eliza loved the picturesque scene in front of her since she rarely saw such a sight. In the country, it was tranquil; while the city was filled with bright lights and noisy streets. Don't get her wrong, Eliza loved San Francisco; but once in a while, she'd dreamed about settling somewhere quiet. As her thoughts drifted to her much-beloved city, Eliza couldn't help but miss her family and friend. She did receive letters from Evelyn, Daniel, and Jane stating how much they missed her and that they were fine. In return, Eliza wrote back about the training she endured and to not worry about her. However, letters would slightly relieve Eliza's homesickness since it wasn't the same as having them right by her side. Eliza then tried to clear her mind by looking at the scene in front of her since it wouldn't do good for her to dwell on missing her loved ones.

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