Chapter 7: Under the Starlights

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Band of Brothers and the images I used, just my characters and story. In addition, I meant no disrespect to the real soldiers of Easy Company and I apologize for any mistakes whether it be historical inaccuracies or punctuation/grammar.

Thank you KarinaJensen0, yanowisme, Maj_Britt, crocs12, teryssek02, 1_VirgenFamily_1, hebejebes, MelissaBarringer, Sofia6239, KacieMills, Savanna_137, LYNDZZEY-SMITH, BasiclyMadeOfTrash, Belette517, and MayastikaMochtar for voting!

Also thank you KhaodembaShem, 1_VirgenFamily_1, Mcmousey10, lyona5, paradise1963, GENIAHINDIRAPOTTER, Nessynd, BasiclyMadeOfTrash, and arielconrad for adding La Vie En Rose to their Reading Lists!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Aldbourne, England: 1943    

After a long ride on the crowded ship, Eliza released a breath of relief since she was able to move freely without bumping into anyone or lose her balance, the moment the ship would sharply pivot. When Eliza first stepped onto the small town of Aldbourne, she was amazed at the breathtaking sight. With its quaint styled cottages and buildings surrounded by evergreen forests and fields, the village immediately captured Eliza's heart. Furthermore, the cold fog that would be ever present was Eliza's favorite weather because it was just like San Francisco.

After gazing at the picturesque town, Eliza was brought back from reverie as she felt someone collide with her shoulder. As she looked, Eliza saw that it was Liebgott. And with a smile, Eliza apologized.

"Got your head stuck in the clouds, again?" Liebgott asked with a smirk.

"I can't help it, Joe, the town is beautiful," Eliza sheepishly answered.

"Well, we better find the homes we're quartering in, what street are ya on?" Liebgott asked.

"Oxford Street. How about you?" Eliza answered as she looked onto the paper that held the address, she would be living in for a year.

"Hey, look at that! We're on the same street," Liebgott replied back as he smiled, glad to live near his friend.

After the duo found the house that Liebgott was assigned, Eliza walked pass a couple more houses until she stopped at a pleasantly cozy cottage with a beautiful garden filled with flowers of many colors surrounding the entrance. Before knocking on the door, Eliza looked at the piece of paper in her hand, to make sure that she was at the right address. Once Eliza saw that she was at the right place, she quickly walked to the door and knocked several times.

"Dear, I'll get the door. It must be the soldier that will reside with us." Behind the closed door, Eliza heard the muffled British voice of a female.

After several minutes of waiting, the door was open by a blonde middle-aged woman. With a stunned expression, she whispered in horror, "Anne."

"Sorry to disturb you Miss, but my name is Eliza Clark. I'm the American soldier that will be quartering in your house," Eliza answered, however, the woman stood still, fixated on Eliza's face.

"Darling is there something wrong?" A man with graying brown hair and green eyes neared the doorway, curious to why his wife was taking so long. As he went to the front door, he saw that his wife was stricken with despair. But when he looked at the soldier, he knew the reason why.

"Hello, I do apologize for my wife's behavior. Please enter, you must be so tired from your journey." The man had gently moved his wife to the side, to allow Eliza to enter.

"Thank you, sir." Eliza entered while hauling her duffle bag onto her shoulder.

"Let me help you with that." The man continued, grabbing her bag and Eliza smiled in gratitude. However, the man sadly smiled back. Meanwhile, his wife had recovered from her daze and spoke to Eliza.

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