its okay

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Sawyer POV

I told joey I was sorry. I didn't know how he will take the news.

sawyer: I'm so sorry! please! forgive me!

joey: it will be a little easier to forgive you if I knew what you did.

joeys POV

sawyer started crying uncontrollably again. at this point I was wondering what could be bad enough for him to cry like this. I've never seen him cry this hard before. I've hardly ever seen him cry. I've seen a few tears roll down his eyes... but that's all!

sawyer: promise not to get mad?


sawyer: but I want to still be friends with you.

joey: it can't be that bad!

sawyer: trust me. it is!

joey: it can't be! it's not like you're dating shane

there was the longest awkward silence ever.

love is never ending( #shoey #moey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now