can i go home yet?

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joeys POV

I never realized I liked Meghan, but when I did I hit me like a ton if bricks. and honestly, when I saw her an jimmy cuddling I gagged a little . he was right for her. I was. me and Meghan. Meghan and I. us.

I quietly woke Meghan up. she said that the doctor came in late last night saying they found out what happened to me.

joey: meghan*whispered*

while I woke her up se looked perfect.

joey: Meghan! you awake?

Meghan: yeah ... joey?

er morning voice was also adorable.

joey: I was getting llonely

Meghan got up trying not to wake jimmy. which she didnt .

she walked over to y hospital bed and sat right next to me. se held my hand then hugged me.

Meghan: joey?

joey: yeah?

Meghan: doctor came in early in the morning. he woke me up.

joey: why?

Meghan: your getting stitches today.

joey: crap!

Meghan: I hope your gonna be fine.

joey: don't worry, I will.

Meghan: well I need some more sleep

joey: okay love good night..

Meghan: what did you call me?

I pretended to fall asleep right at that moment. I don't know why I said that! it just slipped out!

Meghan's POV

did he just call me love?! no, I'm imagining things! no! he called me love! I can't believe he called me love! jimmy was right there! did he hear?

he's gonna think I'm cheating on him!

jimmy woke up a little it sscared me. I thought he heard but he fell right back


I kinda fell asleep to and couldn't stop dreaming about what joey said! does he think if me in THAT WAY or just as a friend and he was that tired?

joeys POV

I fell asleep still thinking about Meghan! I'm jealous of jimmy he has mMeghan!

the doctore came in and shook my shoulder a little. I woke up.

doctor: joey?

joey: *mumbles* huh?! what? yea? doc?

doctore: joey! glad your awake!

joey: yea you kinda woke me up...

doctor: important nenews

joey: I know. I'm getting stitches today.

doctor: well aactually

joey: uhh...

doctor: you don't need stitches!

joey: yay!


doctor: well ill let you get some rest. you are supposed to be leaving tomorrow.

I was real happy I was going hope but at the same time kinda sad.

I don't get to hang out with Meghan as much. I fell back asleep.

about 3 hours later I woke up both Meghan and jimmy are gone.

love is never ending( #shoey #moey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now