how did he get in?

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meghans pov

I sat there.

he stood there.

jimmy standing there.

looking me in the eye. staring me down. giving me a little smirk. i sat there and made eye contacts with him for about 15 seconds, then i finally turned my head. i turned back around to see if he had given up. If he would've left like any average human would. i mean, obviously i don't want to talk to him, he shot me! when i turned i noticed he came about a foot closer. i then ignored him again. I decided I'll read while waiting for him to leave. I read about 50 pages, I could still feel the presence of him. still, standing there, only now he got a few feet closer.  I started to reach for the emergency dialer to the nurse (or whatever it's called )  once he noticed what I was reaching for he ran towards me pulling out the tube that connected to the me to help me breathe. I was barely able to breath.  I hadn't reached the emergency nurse caller yet so I wasn't able to do that at all. he pulled out a knife as I was gasping for air. just the I look out the window hoping that someone was crossing so I could signal for help. honestly,  I didn't know what I would've done if someone actually was walking by. but no one was walking. jimmy grabbed his pocket knife wel I was reaching for the emergency nurse caller (still don't know what it's called) he brought the hand up with the knife in it up. he looked me in the eye with a very crazy look. right then I heard a knock on the door and saw someone peeking into the window.

I look at them hoping to get the message of "i need help, come in."(yes, that's a realistic reaction) through. right away the door nob was jiggling and it finally opened. I saw joey. right away jimmy looked towards and started walking to him with the knife still in hand.

I know it's sounds a little exaggerated but joey is my hero.

joey looked jimmy dead in the eye. jimmy suddenly swung at joey with the knife. joey didn't take it. he grabbed jimmy arm and twisted it making jimmy knead to the floor. he then punched jimmy with a full on fist right on his check bone. while jimmy got up he backed up walking towards the emergency nurse caller (okay seriously can someone comment what that thing is actually called if you know what I'm talking about) joey pressed it. jimmy, who had dropped the knife, is now picking up his knife. he came towards joey again, still trying to get him for whatever reason.

joey grabbed jimmy arm and made the knife go straight into jimmy's chest.

joey pov

holy crap?! what did I just do?! will that be counted as attempted murder?!

even though everything jimmy did to meghan I felt bad.maybe he's finally learned some manners. 

Meghan took a big gasp of air. I stood there in shock. Jimmy on the floor with a knife in the middle of his chest blood gushing out. I looked at meghan her giving me a dirty look but crying. I fell to my knees. After thinking for maybe 25 seconds, I ran to the door opened it and yelled

" nurse! I need a nurse!"

Meghan was still looking me with a dead look. I felt bad. I hinedtly. Did

Meghans POV

Jimmy is dead. He's gone. He was ruse. He was mean. He was dirty. He was an a** whole. But he was my first love. I love joey with all my heart, but jimmy was the first. No one can ever replace that he was the first.

A nurse came running in. Joey sat outside in a chair right outside the hospital room. I  had my eyes closed. I was oblivious to the world. I heard everything that was going on though. I can hear the female nirse gasp. I can hear her calling other nurses and doctors. Three more nurses walked in. None of them looked at me. They all were paying attention to jimmy. I was out of breathe by this point I can feel my pulse slowing down and my face turning purple. 

The doctor ran in and put jimmy on a carrier bed thingy a nurse put the set has cope on his chest

"He has no pulse "

They all ran out with jimmy taking him to the emergency room. One nurse stayed behind and plugged my tube back in. I can breathe finally. She hugged me rubbing her hand on my arm saying

"it'll be alright, he was no good to you anyway"

repletedly. I looked through the window and saw joey in handcuffs looking me in the eye Lippincott the words

"im sorry, I love you"

I saw a single tear running down his face as he started walking away slowly.

Joey was a sweet guy but when he stabbed jimmy , when I saw jimmy on the floor with the knife in his chest, it was obvious, I loved jimmy. Not joey.



Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been a busy little bee.

I'm trying to update more often so hopefully you'll hear more of this story soon.

Kay byyeee

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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