wanna move in

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joeys POV

I feel so ba for Meghan! but hhonestly it kinda makes me happy!

she's free! for me! this is great!

I tried comforting meghan. I can tell how sad she was. she was still crying real hard. I've never seen her this bad. her heart was broken.

I didn't know what to do I had so many questions but my biggest one:

joey: so Jimmy's moving out?

Meghan: not exactly.

joey: what do you mean not exactly? its a yes or no question.

Meghan: well me and David kinda got in an argument right before we broke up so he sided with jimmy. I needa find a new place.

joey: wow.

Meghan: I have no where to stay!

joey: not exactly.

Meghan: what?

joey: you could stay here, I'm pretty sure sawyer won't mind.

Meghan: sseriously

she jumps up


she gave me a real big hug.

Meghan: wait?

joey: is something wrong?

Meghan: so? is this like ... where I live now?

joey: is this where you want to live?

Meghan: if it's fine with you.

joey: ill be more than happy.

Meghan: I guess this is where I live now.

joey: then it's final! welcome home!

Meghan: joey can I ask you something?

joey: anything!

Meghan: the other day at the hospital...

joey: yea?

Meghan: you called me love...why?

I pretended I was texting someone and didnt hear, I ignored her. I felt bad after but I can't let her know. its too soon for her.

Meghan: joey?

joey: hey. you hungry?

Meghan: yea sure.

she seemed sad. she lowered her head as she said yea .maybe she felt the same way, she just didnt notice cus she had someone else. I decided I was gonna tell her. I just have to find the perfect time and place. it has to be perfect. just like her.

so I went to the pet store and bought her a puppy. then I went to the park and called her.

joey: mMeghan

Meghan: joey!

joey: hey I found a puppy at the park!

Meghan:awwwe I wanna see it!

joey: come to the park!

Meghan: Kay see you in a few!

I see Meghan pulling up, I see a huge smile on her face once she sees me.

I had a picnic planned out a nice soft blanket to sit on it was close to dark the sun was barley starting to set. alls I had in the basket was a few sandwiches and caprisun. nothing special. just a little something. she next to me and I pulled out the puppy. she hugged me real right and grabbed the ddog .

Meghan: awwe oh my gosh!! is this the stray you found.?

joey: not exactly.

Meghan: what?

joey: I found him.. at the pet store.

Meghan: you bought him?!

joey: yea... for you.

Meghan: oh my gosh joey! thank you! ima name him.... chewy!

she gave me a bighug. I was about to say it. I'm saying it now.

joey: Meghan?

Meghan: yea?

I couldn't

joey: you hungry?

Meghan: yea! I'm starving !

Meghan: what is it?

joey: nothing special. just sandwiches.

I grabbed out a sand wich and have it to her. she looked at it then looked at me.

Meghan: joey! my favorite kind! you remembered!

joey: haha yea..

joey: uhhhm mMeghan one other thing .

Meghan: *with her mouth filled with sandwich* yea?

joey: Meghan, I like you.

Meghan: awwe joey! I like you too.

joey: but the difference is I like you more than a friend.

Meghan: what?! joey! I thought you were you know... gay?

joey: well I'm not.... anymore.

ever since I strayed liking you in this way I haven't been attracted the least bit to a guy... or anyone ... just you.

Meghan: joey... I think....



cliffhanger 😊 your welcome😏

OMG I'm almost at one hundred reads!!!!!!!!yayayyayayyayaya

my friend reached 1k today! you should go read her story!! it's called forever and always by shoeyforever726 !! it's a great story!!!

Kay bye

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