here you are again.

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.every text from sawyer said the same thing:

hey wanna go get some fro-yo t around 12?

I said sure...

sawyer:Kay cool want me to pick you up or meet there. btw shane is coming to.

of course he had to go. all three of us. are we all together now or what? it's never just me and sawyer and it's never just me and shane! I wish it were all normal already.

I said ill meet up there anyway I already said yeah so if I said no now it would be way to obvious I said no cus shane.

I also wanted to scream of joy and sadness. for sadness cus of life right now but I was also relieved to here from sawyer. it's the first time since the day he ran out.

I went to car and took a breath I needed a break from all this. then realized I left my phone on the counter. I ran back in and got it. I had two more messages from sawyer.

message 1: Kay ill meet you there.

message 2: are you sure it's alright shane goes too? me and you alone can go another time.

I just ignored the messages.

I went to the football game. it was so packed! there were hardly any seats! so many people! I walked down to the other side of the bleachers. while I was half way to the other side, I saw two certain people. holding hands. I knew they saw me too. but they ignored me. I looked at them again an I see then leaving.

"wow" I thought to myself. really? is this what a friend would do? at this point I'm not sure if they're real friends or not.

I'm not getting this.

I finally found a seat and stayed and watched the game. I tried forgetting this and enjoying the game but I just ccouldn't I couldn't think straight. I found my self day dreaming, clapping at random times, and almost falling asleep. I wanted this day to be over.

I kept think to myself "my two bestfriends stabbed me in the back together."

love is never ending( #shoey #moey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now