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joey: WHAT?! WHY?!? I thought things were going great with you two!

sawyer: I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

joey: really?

sawyer: I'm truly sorry joey!

joey: your obviously not! or you wouldn't have done that!

joeys POV

sawyer stayed silent! I thought I had won the argument. Then I could feel his eyes staring me down. I looked back at him. right when our eyes met he leaned in. yes, for a kiss. I tried leaning OUT. I was moving backward. then I thought ill just let it happen. I knew this was gonna happen someday. I just didnt think this soon.

when he kissed me I felt something, all my stress was gone. could it be? I actually like sawyer?! I don't think so!

after I pulled out of the kiss I stared at him. not like a "I'm in love " stare , more like a "what the heck was that?!" stare. I enjoyed it. I knew I did but I tried acting like I didn't. I knew I pulled it off when I saw a tear run down his eyes.

he got up off the couch. he went in his room. about five minutes later he came out and walked outside. right before he walked out he looked straight into my eyes. I saw another tear. he then left. he was gone, and I was scared it might have been forever.

did sawyer just go kill himself, run away? where's he going? I know I acted like nothing but that kiss actually meant something to me!

sawyers POV

I kissed him. he looked disgusted after he pulled away. I had to leave. I was going. I don't know where , but I was going!

he obviously doesn't need me.

love is never ending( #shoey #moey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now