here we are again

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Meghan's POV

the next day I was sitting on te couch and joey walked in the room.

joey: hi meghan

Meghan: hi joey!

joey: want some eggs?

Meghan: uhh sure...

joey: okay! so...

Meghan: what?

joey: uhhm.. I'm sorry if you dot want to talk about this it's fine but.... what happened last night?

Meghan: just a horrible nightmare..

joey: oh!

Meghan: I'm fine now. it's all just a dream.

joey: yea

we both sat down and had some scrambled eggs together.

joey: wanna do some more unpacking today?

I took another bite out of my breakfast.

Meghan: *not making eye contact* yea, sure.

joey: what's wrong?

Meghan: joey, do you want kids?

joey: uhhm yea, just not yet. are you seriously thinking about having kids now?

Meghan: well yea. I want a little baby boy.

joey: well yea but we aren't even that serious yet! you just got through your breakup with jimmy!

Meghan: I know but! I want a kid!

joey: so do i!

Meghan: then why can't we just have one?!

joey: I'm not ready for a kid! I'm not even ready for this conversation Meghan!

him saying my name like that, I can tell he was mad.

why was he getting so mad?! I just want to feel the love of a child!

joeys POV

why does she want a child already? we've barely been dating for 5 months now! she's crazy! I'm not ready for this!

Meghan: joey!

I just walked away.

Meghan: Joey! if you aren't ready when will you be?!

joey: when I'm ready ill tell you!

Meghan's POV

joey told me he'll tell me when he decides he's ready for kids. weeks have passed by and he hasn't said anything.

about a month after having our conversation he still didnt say a word about kids to me. he walked home from doing a collab with connor franta.

I told him I can prove I'm ready.

Meghan:joey, just listen to me.

joey: Meghan, we aren't having a kid.

Meghan: just listen!

joey: fine ill listen, but I won't change my mind.

Meghan: you might.

joey: I won't.

Meghan: ugh! okay.

joey: so what?

Meghan: I might be able to prove I'm ready for a kid.

maybe if I prove to him we are ready then he might at least consider it.

joey: you know, if your ready, that doesn't mean I will be.

Meghan: just listen! so, I thought, maybe lindy ,my niece , remember her?

joey: yea my 'biggest fan'?

Meghan: yea!maybe if se comes and stays with us for about a week then I can prove to you I'm ready.

I thought if she does come over he we start taking care of her also and might decide he's ready.

joey: no Meghan !

it's different she's like 12 she can take care of her self!

Meghan: she still need a little care tthough

joey: exactly Meghan! if we bad a baby

you'd have to watch her 24/7 it would be differentmeghan! we aren't ready!

Meghan: I'm ready joey! tell me when you are til then we won't be seeing eachother.

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