help me

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finally after about 5 minutes they acknowledged me.

shane: hi! how are you?

joey: well I'm doing swell (in a sarcastic voice)

sawyer: what's wrong?

joey: nothing. I said I'm fine.

shane: well I'm happy you finally forgives us.

he can't be so sure about that.

sawyer: yea bout time!

joey: hey I think ima go!

sawyer and shane: why?!

joey: I'm not feeling so yogurtey right now.

sawyer: alright! that's cool

joey: uhhuhmmm sawyer

sawyer: yea? what up

joey:w- (mumbles)

sawyer: what?

shane: dude is everything all right?!

joey: uuhmm

no everything is not all right! so much stress on me!

shane: dude!

I guess he said my eyes started twitching...and I was no where on this earth.

I felt weird right at this point. my knees started shaking a lot. I feel my heart beating super fast. my stomach felt sick.i fell. I didn't know what happened.i was still Alive I could hear and see everything I just couldn't move!

I don't know why I fainted like that. I was just gonna ask him if he was coming back home. I think I was scared of disappointment and got scared and fainted.

I could hear people gasp as I fell yelling and screaming people were saying call 911! quick! I could see people gathering around me. a tilted my head as much as I can to see shane crying in his chair. I guess he really did care.

I can hear the 911 call

police: hello what's the emergency?

caller: someone just passed out!

police: what is your location

caller: uhmm 3267 on the intersection of regy and will street.

police: we'll be right over.

caller :thankyou.

an the call ended. I can still hear shane crying and I can hear sawyer comforting him.

I felt people checking my pulse. I wanted to tell them it's okay and I'm fine, but I wasn't. my heart is broken. the love of my life is gone.

when the police came they put me in the carrying thingy tide me up and put me in the back of the car. I felt as if I were getting kidnapped but I know I wasn't. and hopefully I can go back home

right before I entered the care I finally was able to speak.

joey: sawyer?

sawyer: yea?

joey: when are you coming home

sawyer: when will you be home?

joey: hopefully soon.

sawyer: tell me when. ill be there.

sawyer POV

joey randomly passed out and all he's worried about is when ILL be home?! seriously I'm scared to death what's happening with him!

Shane's POV

I'm still crying. I just didnt know what happened. is joey gonna be okay?

I know I've been dating sawyer but that was only to get him jealous.

I walked up to sawyer and have him a big hug. I think I thought it was a comforting hug but really it was my "I'm breaking up with you hug"

I could tell he didnt get it when I said I'm sorry. he acted as if he knew nothing where this I going.

shane: I have to break up with you.

sawyer: no! you don't!

shane: joey is the one I want to be with!

sawyer: I thought we had something!

shane: we did but me and joey have an even bigger something and I can't just let him go like this!

sawyer: okay.

shane: in sorry!

sawyer : it's fine!

I knew It wasn't fine because I saw a tear roll down his face.

I gave him another big hug and walked away. I went to my care ad drive to the hospital.

joey was there looking absolutely great as always.

he's so adorable I don't know how I could let him just fly by.

I went outside to talk to the doctor.

the doctor said he'll be fine.

doctor: good news and bad news.

shane: good news first please.

doctor: joey is going to be fine.

shane: OMG yay!!

doctor: don't get to excited remember I still have some bad news.

shane: oh crap!

doctor: joey is going to have to get stitches in the back of his head.

shane: well how long will that take?

doctor: not long we have to let him heal just a little and then we will give him stitches, then he will have to heal from that.

doctor: but we have to find out what cause this during those healing days. if we can't he'll have to stay here longer.



kinda cheesy ending but a lot happened in this chapter!

how'd yall like it ?

I'm still trying to make The chapters longer...

this is my first story 😁

how do you like the story overall?!

please vote and comment and yea


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