doctors office

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Joey POV

I know I've said many times I don't want a child, but now that it almost happened, I did .

the next morning

Meghan's POV

I woke up at 8:12 I went downstairs and started making real fast for me and joey. about twenty minutes later joey came down stairs.

joey: mmmm smells yummy.

he was trying to show positive attitude I could tell.

Meghan: thanks hun.

joey: what is it.

Meghan: toast.

joey came and gave me hug from the back. he wrapped his arm around my stomach. I turned around and started crying. I hugged him really tight. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and kept hugging me. I was still crying. I kept crying and about two minutes later stood up from leaning on his chest and wiped my tears. we better get ready.

joeys POV

we were getting ready when I got a text

new message: hey see you in a few.

I didn't know who it was. their number wasn't saved in my phone. I ignored it and thought it was the wrong number.

we got in the car.

it's been a while since Meghan found out she was pregnant. she was looking forward to having a child. she cried the whole way to the hospital.

we got to the hospital and signed in, we waited in the waiting room for maybe ten minutes when they called Meghan. I went back with her. she layed down. the nurse said she has to Kay for about an hour the doctor was going to be here soon.

then a different nurse walked in five minutes after the other nurse walked out.

Meghan's POV

nurse: Meghan honey, someone is here to see you.

I wasn't in the mood for anyone. I wanted to just be me joey and the baby.

Meghan: uhhhmmm.... *looks at joey* okay....


JIMMY walked in the room with CAT!! I was so pissed . why are they here

cat: hey you feeling

Meghan: oh, me? I'm feeling wonderful.

no. I wasn't! my baby just passed jimmy and cat show up.

I hit the buzzer to call the nurse. the nurse came running in.

nurse: is everything okay?!

Joey walked over to the nurse. I knew that joey knew what I wanted.

joey:*whispers to nurse* ma'am can you please. get these two out of here, they are causing my girlfriend stress.

the nurse turned to me.

nurse: is that true.

Meghan: yes, please. take them.

nurse:* turned to jimmy and cat* excuse me I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

jimmy: we are just trying to be friendly*giving a dead stare at joey *

nurse: well, your visit is over, the doctor will be here any minute, you must leave.

jimmy was about to speak

cat: jimmy lets just go, we can see em some other time when they don't have anyone looking out for them.

they walked away



sorry for short chapter :(

so, how'd you like this chapter? I have something planned ahead but , I'm not sure it's staying that way or not...

I'm almost at seven hundred reads!!!!! I literally almost got one hundred on my latest chapter.... that's a lot for me.....

so thankyou everyone who is reading this!!!!!


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