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she waled around the house for a while admiring everything. i walked over to her.

joey:you like it?

meghan: this isnt a joke right?

joey:of course not. i wouldnt do that to my love.

meghan just smiled

meghan POV

oh my gosh i cant believd joey would do this for me.

he is seriously the best boyfriend ever. and now we are living together. lets see where our new life is headed. hopefully a good place.

joeys POV

i can tell meghan is loving the new house. i hope she doesnt stop loving it. we unpacked a little which took about two hours. the we got a little snack and unpacked more. aound ten p.m i can tell she was getting tired so i asked if she wanted to go to bed.

joey:meghan? are you tired? wanna go to bednow?

meghan: would you go with me?

i started blushing and i can tell by her smile she noticed.

joey: do yoou want me to?

meghan: yes.

we got a drink of water then went up stairs to go to sleep.

we had the movers set up the bed for us.

we went to sleep with a light blanket on top of us. we were sharing a pillow because our other ones were packed.

about ten minutes of laying down and smuggling she started talking.

Meghan: joey? wt are we doing tomorrow?

joey: uhhm I was thinking we can go get some new house decorations and then go eat somewhere.

Meghan: sound good.

Meghan's POV

I had my head against his chest with his arm around mine I fell asleep about 20 minutes later and I can hear his slight snore.

Later the next day I heard knocking on the door I look through the peep whole .


why is she here?! I looked closer and see her crying.

I ran and told joey joey opened the door and she hugged him.

even though I'm completely mad t her I let it happened and tried to be cool with it but I couldn't I spoke so I can break the hug.

Meghan: cat? what's wrong?

cat: guys sit down

we all say down on the couch with joey on the right cat in the middle and me on te left.

cat: guys, I'm pregnant with jimmy.

I ran up to my empty room and sat in the corner.

I started crying really hard.

joey walked in about five minutes later and say next to me.

joey: mMeghan stop! why do you care! you don't need him he's not good for you!

Meghan: joey! it's different!

joey: why?! he doesn't love you anymore! I love you now!

Meghan: but he was my first love joey you don't get it!

I ran out of the room and saw cat still sitting on the couch. I ran to the extra room and say there. I was crying Ben more now. I started screaming then I felt someone shaking me.

joey: Meghan! Meghan!

then I woke up.

joey: Meghan are you okay you were screaming a lot so I woke you up!

I hugged joey really tight.

Meghan: thankyou joey!



sorry short chapter I decided to end it right there but I know the beginning of next chapter ❤❤

omg guys I'm almost at half 1k whoop whoop

well yea I had a bad day today so to help myself I wrote I wasn't gonna publish tile tomorrow so but I needed me time so by doing so I wrote, went to danced, and watched joey.


okay bye

oh and I need a nickname for you guys so it'll be great if you give like idea so uea❤


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