the police station.

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meghans POV

that's when the gun shot went off.

That's when I felt it. in my chest. the police came rushing in. they immediately called for an ambulance.

they grabbed jimmy. they threw hum to the floor and handcuffed him.

I can't belive that jimmy would do this to me. when joey walked out to watch jimmy get put in the police car, he saw cat.  he came back in to get me and carry me to the counter to put a towel over my gun shot. i was barely  able to breathe. it was hard to breathe. i heard sirens. after about two minutes but what seemed to be forever someone was banging on the door. joey ran and opened it. it was the medical people. they ran put me in the carrying thing and pushed me into the ambulance. it hurt bad. by now i was starting to get really cold. every turn we made, every bump we hit, it hurt. i couldn't cry i couldn't even scream it hurt too much. i honestly didn't know what to do. i was thinking this was my end, my baby's end. i thought my life, was over.

after about 10 minutes in a car ride we got to the hospital. they rushed me into a room and right away started doing treatments and giving me shots and medicine. at this point i didn't car. all i wanted was for my baby to live. i was really hoping i don't pass away just so my baby could live. it was much to early to get surgery to remove it from my stomach. all this time i worried, not for myself. for the baby, for joey , for David , and honestly even for jimmy.

joeys POV

jimmy was the doucheist douche there ever was! i was so mad. mad at him. mad at me. mad at cat. honestly, mad at god. why would he let this happen?! why would he make this happen to my meghan! why does this have to happen to anyone?!

i stayed home. I was pacing back and forth crying. i cried. i cried. i was thinking the worse of possible things.  what if i never see meghan again. what if i never have my baby. what if they find jimmy not-guilty. all things could go wrong.  i was scared.

After crying for ten minutes i drove to the hospital to see meghan. she was sitting there in the hospital bed and everyone was around her. i wasn't allowed in but I looked through the window. she looked at me and smiled then the doctors told her to look back up so she did. I walked away slowly.

meghans POV

I got rushed to the hospital. right away they started "working" on me.


they didn't let joey in.... I was really sad I couldn't see him. they gave me some drugs to ease my pain and to make me fall asleep. I started to fall asleep. I didn't know anything that happened after that.

I woke up later not know a lot about anything. not knowing where the nurses and doctors were ... not know where joy was... not knowing what they did yo me before I fell asleep .... not knowing what time it was...and not knowing a lot that happened after I got shot. I knew I got shot but after that I didn't know anything.

I looked around the room and he was standing there.

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