heart breaks

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joeys POV

I stayed at the apartment for a while. I tried processing everything that's going on.

about two hours later sawyer came back home.

sawyer POV

I went back to the apartment thinking its safe now. joey still looked upset.

joeys POV

I can't tell. I see in sawyers eyes he can see in my eyes I'm still mad. once he walked in I ran straight to the room and started crying.

sawyer POV

I figured he needed a little more time to think this through and be alone so I went back to Tyler's house.

joeys POV

I heard the front door close so I knew sawyer left. I knew he couldn't hear anything I say. I decided to call shane back.

he didnt answer for about three minutes.


joey: shane..

shane: joey.... you found out?

joey: of course I did! how long did you think you can keep this dirty secret?! why!? shane! why did you do this to me?!

shane: joey you know I love you! I want to be with YOU!

joey: then why?! why are you cheating on me?!

shane: I was jealous ! of you and sawyer! I thought you guys had a thing! I thought if I date him he wouldn't date you!

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