shane is mine!

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joeys POV

now I'm mad!

seriously he's dating shane?! MY boyfriend! shane is mine and he knows that!

sawyers POV

joeys angry I can see it in his eyes. He's trying not to say anything. He wants to so bad. he wants to scream and yell. Then he randomly turned away and walked to his car and drove off.

joeys POV

how could sawyer do this to me... how could SHANE do this to me?!?

I was so angry. I went home and tried calming my self down. I couldn't do it. I can't live like this. I started flipping tables and throwing things. I finally got my self to calm down.

I called shane. The phone was ringing for a very long time. I was just about ready to hang up. Then I heard his voice.

shane:hi joey!

shane: joey?

I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I was speechless. I would've said something... I just didnt know what to say. what would you say to your boyfriend who you just found out is cheating on you with your roommate?

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