moving out

108 6 3

joey POV

the doctor didnt speak for about another minute.

he looked at Meghan then at me.

doctor:your arm , it looks like's paralyzed.

Meghan and I both looked at eachother, at the doctor , then at eachother again.

Meghan: how ?! that silly! impossible! alls I did was slip on a bar of soap!

joey: no! no! that's wrong! it cant be! you must've jumped to conclusions!

doctor: I'm sorry mr and mrs. graceffa. I ,myself, don't know how it hhappened. I think, just because you waited so long it could've paralyzed, this is the first this has happened. I'm very sorry. ill give you a cast and in two weeks come back and well see how it's doing.

Meghan: okokay

we got in the car and drive back to the apartment she decided she didn't want to go to breakfast.

*while in car*

Meghan POV

joey: mMeghan

I still fall for him every time he says my name.

Meghan: joey?

joey: I have I tell you something... I was gonna tell you at breakfast but... we aren't going.

Meghan: lets go to McDonald's and get ice ccream! tell me there!

joey: okay

he seemed really ddisappointed

joeys POV

I don't know how I'm telling her but I have to tell her.

I turned into McDonald's and we walked in. we both got an Icecteam cone and just sat down talking..

Meghan: I don't know why... I really like McDonald's Ice cream.

joey: haha yea. I needa tell you ssomething

Meghan: anything.

joey: well remember the other day when we agreed you could live with us?

Meghan: yea....?

joey: sawyer doesn't think you should live there.

Meghan: okay well.... I understand.

she stood up and almost walked away.

I stopped her.

joey: wait mMeghan

she turned around.

meghan: what joey?

joey: I bought is a new house. just me and you.

Meghan: seriously ?!

joey: yup!



well Meghan and joey are moving out together❤❤

next chapter something big is gonna happen!

guys I just wanna say thnk you all so so so much for 300 almost at 350 actually!!! whoop whoop!!

thnk you all for whoever is sticking with me and my story❤❤ thnks for not giving up on us with my short and useless little chapters😂😂

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