a new home

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joeys POV

we went back to the apartment so we can start packing. I already bought the place so we can move in whenever we want.

we walked in to te apartment and

someone was sitting on the couch. at first I thought it was sawyer. I turned to close the door then I looked at Meghan and she was staring at the couch. I looked to get a better look at who it was.


Meghan: jimmy?

jimmy: mMeghan!

Meghan's POV

we walked in and jimmy was sittin on the couch, like nothing. like we were still together, closer than ever. but we wweren't! he broke my heart.

Meghan: why are you here!

I wante to cry and I can tell both jimmy and joey can see I wanted to cry.

jimmy: awwe mMeghan are you okay?

he gave me a hug. he acts like everything is fine!

I stood there in silence.

joey: I think you should go jimmy.

jimmy: no joey. I don't think I will.

joey: you're making a big mistake. jimmy! just walk out while you still can.

Meghan: no joey! he's here for a reason. I wanna know that reason.

I didn't mean to embarrass joey and tell him to stop. I was kinda of hoping jimmy would tell me him and his new girlfriend broke up and I could embarrass him.

jimmy: well, actually, there is no reason. I just wanted to ask how have you been. and tell you me and cat are doing great I'm our relationship.

WAIT cats his new girlfriend?!?!?!?!!?

joey: jimmy! leave!

I ran to joeys room

I could hear jimmy leaving. then I heard footsteps coming towards the room.

joey opens the door.

joey: you alright?

Meghan: I can't believe it! cat! and jimmy!? together?

joey: *sitting down next to meghan*

why do you care? you have me now.

Megan: I know but, it's just different*standing up and walking to bed*

joey: how?

Meghan: joey, you're a great boyfriend, for now but I really thought jimmy was the one.

joey: but mMeghan? I -I tthought

I stood up and walked to the kitchen with joey following me.

Meghan: joey, I'm sorry.

joey: what happened to our eternal llove?

Meghan : there never was eternal love.

joey: well....

joeys POV

I thought she loved me! I thought it would be u against the world! forever!

I guess I was wrong!

I went back into my room.

I heard Meghan coming in a few minutes later

Meghan: joey?

joey: what?

Meghan: I'm sorry! I was mad!

joey: at me?

Meghan: no, at everything

joey: so you take it out on me cu I was your boyfriend?

Meghan: was?

joey: well if you feel that way then yea!

I heard her banging her head on the wall about 3 times.

Meghan: joey! I DIDT meant it.

joey: then why'd you say it? do your seriously feel that way?

I hear a knock on the door an hear Meghan walking away.

I went to peek at who it was


once Meghan opened the door se saw who it was , shut the door then locked it.

I ran down there cus Meghan was crying. I hugged her.

Meghan: joey,

joey: Meghan, its fine.

Meghan: you forgive me?

joey: lets not worry about that. are we still both moving into our new hhome

Meghan: yes, us together!

joey: then lets start opacking

Meghan: okay!

we were packing for about 2 hours

Meghan: ready?

joey: lets start packing!

Meghan: we just got done packing!

joey: haha packing the car!

Meghan: ohhh! okay!

joey: wait! we need to tell sawyer we are moving out today!

I went and told sawyer we are leaving, then we started putting everything in the car.

we arrived at our new house about 30 minutes later.

we walked into a beautiful nice bug home.

3 bedrooms

2 bathrooms

a big kitchen

and a nice big living room

once Meghan saw the house her face lit up, she was so beautiful .


a/ n

yay I reached 400!! thankyou guys so much!

sorry I updated twice today, I'm sickos I didn't go to school so yea....

well I was reading some previous chapters and noticed I misspell A LOT of things.... I'm srry bout that I'm a really bad typer.. .

did y'all like this chapter???

Kay bye!

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